QM2012, Washington, DC, Aug. 13-Aug. 18, 2012 Supported by DOE 08/13/2012 QGP viscosity at RHIC and LHC energies Huichao Song Thanks for discussions with U. Heinz, M.Luzum, H. Petersen, S.Moreland, L.Pang, Z.Qiu, C.Shen, R. Soltz, X.N. Wang …
QGP-the most perfect fluid in the world? BNL News, 2005 How perfect is the QGP fluid?
viscous hydrodynamics Input: “EOS” Shear viscosity: Bulk viscosity: Assume zero net baryon density & heat conductivity at RHIC and LHC 3+1-d: Mcgill(2011), MSU, Crakow(2012), 2+1-d: OSU, INT, Stony Brook, Pudue, Calcutta (2008), Crakow, Frankfurt(2010) Nagoya (C. Nonaka, Parallel 3A,Wed).
Generic features of shear & bulk viscosities
acts against the buildup of flow anisotropy acts against the buildup of radial flow Shear viscosity:Bulk viscosity:
acts against the buildup of flow anisotropy acts against the buildup of radial flow Shear viscosity:Bulk viscosity: The shear viscosity leads to a significant suppression of V 2 (Romatsche & Romatsche PRL07; song & Heinz PLB08, PRC08; Dusling & Teaney PRC 08; Molnar & Huovinen JPG 08 … …) Bulk viscous effects are much smaller than shear ones due to the critical slowing down near phase transition (Song & Heinz PRC09) without large contamination from bulk viscosity One can extract the QGP shear viscosity from exp data without large contamination from bulk viscosity Visc. suppression of elliptic flow shear visc. shear+ bulk visc. ideal Song & Heinz PRC09
The shear viscosity tends to smear out the inhomogeneous structures, leading to a suppression of V 3 (Schenke, Jeon & Gale PRL2011, PRC2012; Qiu & Heinz PRC2011; also see talks by B.Schenke; F. Gardim; Poster of Z. Qiu ) Viscous suppression of triangular flow viscous hydro evolution ideal hydro evolution initial profile Qiu & Heinz 2011 (B.Schenke)
-early attempts from viscous hydrodynamics QGP viscosity at RHIC energies (2008)
Luzum & Romatschke, PRC 2008 GlauberKLN Viscous hydro & QGP viscosity (2008) -non-equilibrium chemical composition of HRG : (PCE vs. CE) ~100% -transport properties of HRG (or equil. HRG vs. non-equil. HRG) : ~ % -bulk viscosity: ?% Effects that are not included in this viscous hydro calculations Glauber & KLN initializations lead to 100% uncertainties for the QGP shear viscosity
-later results from the VISHNU hybrid model QGP viscosity at RHIC energies (2011)
VISHNU hybrid approach Initial conditions viscous hydro (2+1d) hadron cascade H. Song, S. Bass, U. Heinz, PRC2011 T sw =165MeV -3+1 d viscous hydro+ hadron cascade: S. Jeon, Parallel 2A,Tue. Other related developments -EoS: (s95p-PCE) (Huovinen & Petreczky10) -initial conditions -chemical composition of HRG -transport properties of HRG -switching temperature: T sw =165MeV Hadron Cascade VISHNU: -2+1 d vs 3+1 d viscous hydro: Shen, Schenke & Heinz on going work; Vredevoogd &Pratt, PRC85,044908(2012)
MC-KLNMC-Glauber H. Song, S. Bass, U. Heinz, T. Hirano, and C. Shen, PRL2011 VISHNU hybrid model & QGP viscosity (2011) -corrected exp. V 2 data that remove non-flow & fluc. effects -integrated V 2 for all charged hadrons : In contrast to V 2 ( P T ), it is less sensitive to bulk viscosity, corrections, radial flow & chemical composition of HRG The analysis uses:
MC-KLNMC-Glauber H. Song, S. Bass, U. Heinz, T. Hirano, and C. Shen, PRL2011 VISHNU hybrid model & QGP viscosity (2011) -Initial flow, bulk viscosity, single shot vs. e-b-e calculations -Other uncertainties (much smaller) (each of them shift V 2 by a few percent, partial cancellation among them) -Main uncertainties come from initial conditions
H.Song, S. Bass, U. Heinz, T. Hirano, and C. Shen, PRC2011 further tests: for identified hadrons 5-10% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 5-10% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% Glauber KLN
Initialization models, pre-equilibrium dynamics & QGP viscosity
MC-KLNMC-Glauber H. Song, S. Bass, U. Heinz, T. Hirano, and C. Shen, PRL2011 VISHNU hybrid model & QGP viscosity (2011) Main uncertainties come from initial conditions MC-KLN, larger HIGHER value of QGP viscosity MC-Glauber, smaller LOWER value of QGP viscosity
MC-KLN & MC-Glauber initializations & V 3 -triangular flow is sensitive to QGP shear viscosity, but NOT sensitive to MC-KLN or MC-Glauber initializations Qiu & Heinz,2011 MC-KLN MC-Glauber see poster of Z. Qiu Zhi & Heinz 2011 Viscous Hydro
MC-KLN & MC-Glauber initializations & V 3 see poster of Z. Qiu Qiu, Shen & Heinz 2011 Pure viscous hydro simulations : V 3 prefer lower value of QGPviscosity
Initialization Models -fluctuations of color charges (in the framework of CGC): IP-Glasma: B. Schenke et al., arXiv: ; [nucl-th] B. Schenke, Parallel 3A, Wed. Correlated Fluctuation: B. Muller & A. Schafer, arXiv: [hep-ph] S. Moreland, Parallel 4D, Wed. -fluctuations of local gluon numbers (in the famework of MC-KLN): Multiplicity fluctuations: A. Dumitru and Y. Nara, Phys. Rev. C 85, (2012) A. Dumitru, plenary IC, Mon. -fluctuations of nucleon positions: MC-Glauber: MC-KLN: T. Hirano & Y. Nara, Phys. Rev. C (2009) (used in the VISHNU hybrid model)
IP-Glasma Multiplicity fluctuations IP-Glasma Correlated fluctuations Please also refer to talk of B. Schenke, S. Moreland & A. Dumitru Schenke, et al. Moreland+ Heinz Dumitru +Nara Multiplicity fluctuations Correlated fluctuations
-early flow & fluctuations from dynamical models: URQMD initialization: H.Petersen & M. Bleicher, Phys. Rev. C81, ,2010 H.Petersen, Plenary VA, Fri. AMPT initialization: L. Pang, Q.Wang & X.Wang, arXiv: [nucl-th] L. Pang, Parallel 4D, Wed. EPOS/NEXUS initialization: K. Werner et al., Phys. Rev. C83:044915,2011; H. J. Drescher et, al., Phys.Rev. C65, (2002) M. Nahrgang, poster section. IP-Glasma: B. Schenke, et.al, arXiv: ; [nucl-th] B. Schenke, Parallel 3A, Wed. Free Streaming limit: G. Qin, et. al., Phys. Rev. C (2010); OSU, on-going work Pre-equilibrium dynamics Hydro limit: OSU group, on-going work Pre-equilibrium dynamics smoothes out fluctuations, reducing, but building radial flow
-early flow & fluctuations from dynamical models: URQMD initialization: H.Petersen & M. Bleicher, Phys. Rev. C81, ,2010 also refer to talk of H.Petersen on 17 Aug., Plenary VA AMPT initialization: L. Pang, Q.Wang & X.Wang, arXiv: [nucl-th] also refer to talk of L. Pang on 15 Aug., Parallel 4D EPOS/NEXUS initialization: K. Werner et al., Phys. Rev. C83:044915,2011; H. J. Drescher,et al., Phys.Rev. C65, (2002) also refer to poster of M. Nahrgang on 16 Aug IP-Glasma: B. Schenke, et.al, arXiv: ; [nucl-th] B. Schenke, Parallel 3A Pre-equilibrium dynamics Petersen & Qiu, unpublished notes; please also refer to Phys.Rev. C (2010) Fluctuations in energy deposition slightly increase
-early flow & fluctuations from dynamical models: URQMD initialization: H.Petersen & M. Bleicher, Phys. Rev. C81, ,2010 also refer to talk of H.Petersen on 17 Aug., Plenary VA AMPT initialization: L. Pang, Q.Wang & X.Wang, arXiv: [nucl-th] also refer to talk of L. Pang on 15 Aug., Parallel 4D EPOS/NEXUS initialization: K. Werner et al., Phys. Rev. C83:044915,2011; H. J. Drescher,et al., Phys.Rev. C65, (2002) also refer to poster of M. Nahrgang on 16 Aug IP-Plasma: B. Schenke, et.al, arXiv: ; [nucl-th] B. Schenke on 15 Aug., Parallel 3A Pre-equilibrium dynamics Early longitudinal flow fluctuations reduce V 2 L. Pang, Q.Wang & X.Wang, arXiv: [nucl-th]
-early flow & fluctuations from dynamical models: URQMD initialization: H.Petersen & M. Bleicher, Phys. Rev. C81, ,2010 H.Petersen, Plenary VA, Fri. AMPT initialization: L. Pang, Q.Wang & X.Wang, arXiv: [nucl-th] L. Pang, Parallel 4D, Wed. EPOS/NEXUS initialization: K. Werner et al., Phys. Rev. C83:044915,2011; H. J. Drescher,et al., Phys.Rev. C65, (2002) M. Nahrgang, Thur. IP-Glasma: B. Schenke, et.al, arXiv: ; [nucl-th] B. Schenke, Parallel 3A, Wed. Free Streaming limit: G. Qin, et. al., Phys. Rev. C (2010); OSU, on-going work Pre-equilibrium dynamics Hydro limit: OSU group, on-going work Pre-equilibrium dynamics smooth out fluctuations, reducing, but building radial flow Mostly, the effects of pre-equilibrium dynamics was studied with ideal hydro. Their quantitative influences on are still unknown.
QGP viscosity at LHC energies
V 2 at RHIC and LHC Song, Bass & Heinz, PRC 2011 The average QGP viscosity is roughly the same at RHIC and LHC
for pions, kaons & protons at LHC Nicely reproduce V 2 ( P T ) for all centrality bins at LHC byVISHNU hybrid model Heinz, Shen & Song, 2011 VISHNU
for pions, kaons & protons at LHC Results from pure viscous hydrodynamics ( WITHOUT hadron cascade ), results shown at QM2011 Heinz, Shen & Song, 2011 Viscous Hydro
for pions, kaons & protons at LHC Viscous Hydro VISHNU A comparison between viscous hydrodynamics and VISHNU Heinz, Shen & Song, 2011
Temperature dependent
V 2 (P T ) at RHIC and LHC Assuming const. RHIC: LHC: Song, Bass & Heinz, PRC2011 Is QGP fluid more viscous for the temperature region covered by LHC? One needs to investigate the temperature dependence of
Is QGP fluid more viscous at LHC ? We can not constrain from v 2 and spectra Song, Bass & Heinz, PRC2011
Results from Frankfurt group: Elliptic flow is dominated by the hadronic viscosity at RHIC energies H. Niemi, G.S. Denicol, P. Huovinen, E. Molnar, and D.H. Rischke, Phys. Rev. Lett.84, (2011); arXiv: [nucl-th]
Investigations from viscous hydro: C. Shen, U. Heinz, P. Huovinen, H.Song PRC2011 V 2 is not only sensitive to but also sensitive to initialization of Extra complications: It is not an easy task to extract from experimental data LHC
Current Developments
Extracting from V n in ultra-central collisions see talk of M. Luzum -In most central collisions, fluctuation effects are dominant (Geometry effects are suppressed) -Additional features: fitting Viscous Hydro
Higher Order Event Plane Correlations qualitatively reproduce the measured event plane correlations Pure e-b-e viscous hydro simulations : Qiu & Heinz, arXiv: [nucl-th] EXP. data:[ATLAS Collaboration], CERN preprint ATLAS-CONF
spectra HBT elliptic flow see poster of I. Garishvili Spectra R. Soltz, et al., arXiv: [nucl-th] Constraining initial temperature & shear viscosity from pion spectra, elliptic flow & HBT radii at 0-20% centrality with evolution. Early CHIMERA Results (Comprehesive Heavy Ion Model Evaluation and Reporting Algorithm)
(visc. hydro) V 2 (visc. hydro) V 2,V 3 (VISHNU) V 2 Uncertainties from initial quantum fluc early 2011 late year ? Recent developments on initialization models: color charge fluctuations; multiplicity fluctuations; initial flow fluctuations … …
This is a rapidly evolving area, much more at QM2014! Recent developments on initialization models: color charge fluctuations; multiplicity fluctuations; initial flow fluctuations … … to implement e-b-e VISHNU to further study: triangular flow & higher order flow harmonics, higher-order event plane correlations …... This will help us to constrain initialization models, tightening the limit on (visc. hydro) V 2 (visc. hydro) V 2,V 3 (VISHNU) V 2 Uncertainties from initial quantum fluc early 2011 late year ?
Thank you
Results from Frankfurt group: H. Niemi, G.S. Denicol, P. Huovinen, E. Molnar, and D.H. Rischke, Phys. Rev. Lett.84, (2011); arXiv: [nucl-th] Effective Hadronic viscosity from VISHNU Song, Bass & Heinz PRC2011
e-b-e hydro vs. single shot hydro
see talk of M. Luzum