Supply and Demand Shifters Preparing to Teach HS Economics 2014
Demand Shifters: Move the curve Tastes and preferences Related goods Substitutes Complements Income of buyers Consumers (#) Expectations about future prices P Q D1 D2 D3
Supply shifters: Move the curve Market size Expectations of future prices Resource costs Innovation/technolo gy Taxes and subsidies *complements in production P Q S3 S2S1
Peq, Qeq and Shifters P P eq 1 S1 D1 Q eq 1 Q
Peq, Qeq and Shifters P P eq 1 S1 D1 Q eq 1 Q D2 P eq 2 Q eq 2 DPQDPQ
Peq, Qeq and Shifters P P eq 1 S1 D1 Q eq 1 Q D2 P eq 2 Q eq 2 DPQDPQ
Peq, Qeq and Shifters P P eq 1 S1 D1 Q eq 1 Q S2 P eq 2 Q eq 2 SPQSPQ
Peq, Qeq and Shifters P P eq 1 S1 D1 Q eq 1 Q S2 P eq 2 Q eq 2 SPQSPQ