Marine Life By: Eliot S. Suggs Biology I 04/06/06
Facts About Coral Reefs Coral are found everywhere in the world They are related to jellyfish They have stinging tentacles
Body Shapes Torpedo shaped: lets fish in open water swim fast Fat, wide shaped: lets fish in reefs maneuver well Eel like bodies: lets these fish swim with their whole body
Great Barracuda Most fish with slender bodies live in open water It has a torpedo like body so it is a fast swimmer It has a terminal mouth so it eats in mid- water It has a forked tail to spend a lot of time swimming
Tarpon The tarpon has an upturned mouth so they can feed near the top of the water It has a torpedo like body to swim fast Its body shape helps it live in deep water also Its forked tail lets it spend most of its time swimming too
Nurse Shark The Nurse Shark has a terminal mouth for when it eats in the middle of the ocean It has a slender body so it can swim fast in open water The Nurse Shark has a heterocercal tail to give it excellent balance while it is swimming
Form vs. Function Seeing how the different parts of fish help them perform different tasks shows me why fish have adapted to their surroundings