Penguins By Julia
These are some interesting facts about penguins. Penguins have a white belly and the rest of there body is black. They are plump with short legs and webbed feet. Their covered with feathers. Adelie penguins have a white ring around each eye. When baby penguins are born they have gray fluffy feathers. Rock Hopper penguins have crested yellow feathers on there head. Humboldt penguins have a white stripe across their head. Penguins have fins for arms. They have no teeth they have a beak too. Also they dive excellent. They can’t fly because their bodies are to heavy.
The penguins can live in many places. Here are a few Antarctica, snow and icy places, Australia, South America, Artic ocean, Pacific ocean, and, Africa.24 million penguins visit the Antarctic every year.
Do you know what eats penguins or what penguins eat? It eats the stuff that the mom regurgitates to the baby, krill, squid, and fish. There predator is the fur seal, sea lion, leopard seal, shark, and the killer whale.
Penguins use camouflage so that they can hide and hunt.When swimming,the dark color is on the top,making them hard to see from the top. When the predators under water look up at the penguins,the white part is hard to see against the light. It is protective coloration. THE END