Otto-Wels-Primary School S.E.N.S.E Comenius-Project
Kids Most of the kids at Otto-Wels Primary School are very nice and some kids find new friends. The other kids are not kind but mean and spoil these kids their fun. Many kids play Beyblade for about three years but then the mean kids come and kick the Beyblades, as if they were elastic. To all! Please don‘t be so mean!
Sports hall In the sports hall the kids do sports. They don‘t do regular sports but rather sports that they enjoy a lot.
Food Stand During the breaks, many dainties are sold for reasonable prices! For example : doughnuts, hot dogs, burgers, croissants, juice boxes, cereal bars, butter rings and many other things.
knight´s castle At the castle, you can play and have fun with friends.
Computerroom Our school has two pc-rooms. On the picture you can see the comenius-club at work.
Afternoon Clubs There are a lot of project groups in school, for example: Comenius, theatre, basketball, WPG, music, guitar, social group, handball and football. There are more but I can’t think of others.
Lessons in the classroom In the class there are twenty to twenty-four kids.There are one or two teachers. In the picture you can see class 5a.In the class there are twenty-three laptaps and one smartboard.
Our Fountain There is a grey turtle made of stone on our fountain. In summertime, water runs out of the fountain and it looks much more beautiful. There are many colourful stones inside the fountain.
Schoolyard The school yard is yery large. The pupils have a lot of space for games. One can play football, play tag or other beautiful games. There are also a lot of things on the playground, for example swings, a climbing contraption and many more.
Mrs. Steimer-Ruthenbeck Mrs Steimer-Ruthenbeck is the principal of our school. If you have a problem, you can talk to her and she will help you. Even the teachers ask her for advice. Mrs Steimer- Ruthenbeck writes all the important letters to the parents. She is an important person and we all respect her.
Reading Competition First, each class selects their two best readers. Usually it’s always one boy and one girl. Then these two read out to the jury. At the end every participant gets a certificate and a book they can choose. But the winner gets a certificate and a colourful and very expensive book. The whole class celebrates the victory.
Multi-Purpose Room The multi-purpose room is very large. There are always theatre plays or dance performances. Moreover, the reading contest takes place and the theatre project group practises here. There is a large stage in the multi-purpose room. One can also sing on stage with microphones. You can borrow the microphones from the music room and then connect it to the stereo in the multi-purpose room. Usually, the class representative meeting takes place in the multi- purpose room. In the picture you can see a meeting of the nightingale-project, a partnership programme between college students and children of the OWG.