Recycling project By, Matthew carter
Plastic-pumpkin-Lanters 1.1 st get a empty 2 liter bottle 2.2 nd carve a Face in it. 3.3 rd Put a candle in it. 4.Then u have light. It would look like this. What can you make/create out of an 2-liter soda bottle?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Recover is a good 4 th R What are the 3 R’s of saving the environment and can u think of a 4 R?
Way you can is Recycle more products. Look if a product is recyclable at school. Another is on spare time go out side and collect trash around your house and in your environment. What can you do to help make a difference in our environment?
1-ton of paper is a average of 17 trees. Recycling 1-Ton of paper saves how many trees?
You can save 20,ooo,ooo acres. Recycling ½ of the world’s paper, how many acres of forest could be saved?
About 20 billion pounds How many pounds of plastic are throw out yearly by Americans?
A. I take shorter showers. Yes B.I turn off lights and appliances that are not in use. No C. keep windows closed when the heat or air conditioning Is on. Yes D. I don’t let the water run when I’m brushing my teeth. Yes E.I recycle products when ever possible. Yes F. I bring my own bags to the store. No G. I find new ways o use old items. Sometimes H. I put litter in trash containers. Yes I. I encourage my family to carpool. Sometimes J. I walk or ride my bicycle when ever possible instead of asking for a ride. Yes What will you do…..
tion/index?qid= AApNal2 tion/index?qid= AApNal2 w+many+pounds+of+plastic+ar e+throw+out+yearly+by+Americ ans%3F&search=&qsrc=0&o= &l=dir w+many+pounds+of+plastic+ar e+throw+out+yearly+by+Americ ans%3F&search=&qsrc=0&o= &l=dir um=1&hl=en&q=Recycling%201- Ton%20of%20paper%20saves%20 how%20many%20trees%3F&gs_s m=s&gs_upl=9293l19057l0l21017 l1l1l0l0l0l0l753l753l6- 1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf. osb&biw=1249&bih=616&wrapi d=tlif &ie=UTF- 8&sa=N&tab=iw&ei=oHcVT5ixP Orz0gH2n9W3Aw Webs that I used……
Recycling is good!!!!!!!!!!! Good bye!!