Romantic Poetry Presentations British Literature January 29, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Romantic Poetry Presentations British Literature January 29, 2015

Happy Thesaurus Thursday!  Look over your Tone/Mood words packet and identify 3 words that you are unfamiliar to you.  Circle these words and write the definition by the side of these words using the dictionaries in the room.  You have five minutes to look over the lists and define these words.  You will share your selections with the class.

Romantic Poetry Exploration  In groups of 2 to 3 you will read various poems from the Romantic period of British Literature together. As you read, annotate your questions/comments on the yellow butcher paper and answer the questions:  What is the tone of the poem? Write a tone word that is not already on the poster.  What is the theme of the poem?  Annotate literary elements that you notice in the poems.  As a group, you must read at least five of the poems.

Romantic Poetry Presentation PRESENTERS  Present your poet and poem with an informative and engaging delivery.  Bring me your rubric. AUDIENCE MEMBERS  During presentations, you may want to jot down notes as we will have a quiz of Romantic poetry.  At the conclusion of the presentation, you have the opportunity to ask questions.