Homework Final writing portfolio due Tuesday, May 24 th. Include: -Outline -Draft 1 with peer feedback -Draft 2 with teacher feedback -Final draft: highlight the changes from the first draft to this draft. -You must come to class with these items already prepared and put together. No printing, stapling, or paper-clipping during class.
Directions: Today you will participate in poetry stations. At each station is either a biography of the poet or the poet’s poems. You will have an equal amount of time in each station to complete questions in this packet. You can use the members in your poetry “cohort” to help you out! At the end of the packet are two “exit questions.” We will spend two class periods with these stations so do not worry if time is up before you complete a section. Good luck!
The completed packet is worth a 100 point quiz grade. There are two “bonus” poems with questions. Make sure to reference the text in your answers! I will assign you a number from 1-5. Your number is the station with which you will begin. You have 18 minutes at each station.
Helpful Hints Read the commentary sections following each poem – it will give you more insight about the poem. Pay attention to form. Is this a ballad, ode, does it follow a structure? First understand the literal meaning of the poem. Then try to deduce symbolic elements and figurative language.