Mrs. Walker’s Policies and Procedures Language Arts Policy Grammar practice Vocabulary/Stems Tests/Quizzes Classwork/Homework Weekly Reading log
Scorpions demonstrate PRIDE in the classroom! Positivity…….Participate in class and complete assignments. Respect…….1. Actively listen when others are speaking. 2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 3. Follow teacher directions. Integrity………1. Use appropriate language and tone. 2. Take care of property. 3. Accept consequences.
PRIDE Dependability……1. Be prepared with all materials. 2. Be on time. Encouragement……1. Demonstrate kindness to your classmates and adults. 2. Encourage safety.
PBIS The Scorpion Way Reflections Minors and Majors Refer to planner if you have questions!
LA Classroom Rules Respect yourself and others at all times Treat classmates as you want to be treated Use self-control and appropriate language Raise your hand if you want to speak or participate Come to class prepared with all materials Clean up your area before you leave Be on time to class
General Discipline Policy Follow the EWMS handbook and the 6 th grade discipline policy outlined in your handbook. Some of the following will be utilized if needed: loss of privileges, staying after school, student conferences, parent contacts, silent lunch, office referral, etc. Follow established PBIS guidelines.
What Material Do I Need for Class? 3 ring binder(2 inch works best) Marble Composition Book(100 pages) Pencils Sticky Notes Clear tape Loose leaf paper Colored pencils Dividers
Labeling and Turning in Papers In the upper right corner, put your name (first and last), date and section number. Turn in all papers in the tray marked with your class section unless otherwise indicated. Only loose leaf paper will be accepted!
Locker times 7:30 Materials for 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd period 11:30 Materials for both Exploratory classes and Lunch 1:32 Materials for 4 th period 2:45 Materials for I/E and going home These are the times during the day you may go to your locker without getting penalized. Any other times will result in penalties.
May I use the restroom? Make sure you use your time between classes to attend to personal business (using the restroom, etc.) Leaving the class too much interrupts our learning time. If leaving the room occurs too often, I will address it with the individual student. Leave the room immediately if an emergency arises…I’ll find out why later.
If I finish early…. You may read your library book You may work on homework or study You may review your stems for the week Under no circumstances, should you bother anyone in the classroom!
What to do if absent Call a friend from class Consult Mrs. Walker’s Wiki for missed work( /FrontPage) /FrontPage Ask to copy someone else’s planner when you return to school Ask the teacher for copies of work that was given in class Stay after school if needed You have three days to complete missing work… after that a zero will be recorded
Daily Procedures As soon as you enter the classroom, immediately find your seat! Copy in your planner today’s agenda written on the board. Random planner checks will be conducted. Get materials ready for class. Sharpen your pencil as soon as you come into class. Begin the “Get Started” assignment on the board.
Weekly Reading Log Each week, you will be expected to read a minimum of twenty minutes a night in a book of your choice and complete a reflection question about what you have read. Turn in completed log on Friday for a test grade.
Vocabulary Practice/Word Stems Each week you will be given a list of at least 10 vocabulary words containing the same stem. Assignments for the week and their due dates will be given on Monday. A typical week’s assignment might include brainstorming a list of words that contain the stem, making a memory game with the stems, crossword puzzle, etc. Use Quizlet to practice for the test(Scatter and Space Race) A vocabulary test will be given on Friday.
Missing Work Any missing or incomplete work for the week will result in a loss of Free Time Friday. Reading Log not completed will result in loss of this privilege.
Grades Weekly Vocabulary tests Grammar Classroom assignments/Homework Projects
Grades A= B= C= D= F= 69.4 and below WCS policy- No grade shall be given below a 55 average on a report card. This does not mean you can’t make below a 55 on assignments.
How can I contact the teacher? Phone ( ) Planning time 12:02-1:30 daily Mrs. Walker’s Wiki( w/page/ /FrontPage) w/page/ /FrontPage
How Can I Be Successful in LA? Respect yourself and others Follow all rules Participate in class Bring materials to class Complete assignments given Read outside of class Study for tests
Parents Page Please sign and return to your child’s LA teacher. By signing, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood Mrs. Walker’s Classroom Procedures. Student Signature:_________________ Parent Signature:_________________ Date:_________________________