Agenda Trip to Town Hall on Friday 13 th February Miss Broadbent Head of Primary School - Q&A Random Acts of Kindness/Jack Petchey Vote Communication and information
This week we invited Mrs Broadbent to come and answer some of our questions…. Hello
Can we make the school more colourful? Yes we can. Adults are working hard to make sure that the displays around the school are colourful and informative. If you are thinking about outside on the playground, remember that we will soon be getting a new school. So, maybe start thinking about how that might look.
Why can’t we do more things in PE? We have to stick to the curriculum that we have agreed to teach. PE should be fun and I hope that it is but, PE has to also develop in you lots and lots of other skills. There are of after school and holiday clubs you could join and this may help you to do other things.
Why don’t we make the Primary building bigger? We will soon be looking at plans for our brand new building. Through Buxton Voices you will be able to discuss any ideas you may have for the new school.
Why do we only have Drama, PE and Music once a week? We don't have a lot of time to do everything. You have to learn reading, writing and maths and all the other subjects. Again, there are drama, PE and music clubs you can join in between lessons.
Why don’t we do more drama in class? (Like play acting out of books and stories in subjects like English & History) That’s a good idea! I will discuss this with your teachers and see if we can do more drama within subject areas like Maths, English & History.
How can we make the school dinners better? I think you will need to make a wish list to explain what food you would like and how you think you can make dinners better. I can then discuss your ideas with Guy, the Cook. You may not know that we are provided with weekly menus that must take into consideration your nutritional intake. Sometimes this means that we can only offer certain meals.
Why can’t Prefects and Buxton Voices reps get more involved in helping teachers? Ask your teachers how you can help in lessons, I am sure that they would take your ideas on board.
Why can’t we improve the Kick-a-bout? We will be getting a whole new playground and play areas when we get the new building so, it might not be a good idea to start spending our money on that now. Let’s save it for the new building!
Thank you for inviting me to this Q and A session. Your questions have been outstanding.
Random Acts of Kindness
Our next meeting is Thursday 27 th November in the Secondary Main hall at 3pm (a week late because of exams) Joint Meeting Our next Joint Meeting is Thursday 26 th March in the Secondary Main Hall after school
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