Presented to: Scottsdale Institute CIO Panel Date: April 28, 2011 By: Timothy R. Zoph, SVP Administration & CIO Key IT Issues, Challenges and Innovations
Business Analytics: Measurement, Operational Improvements and Advancing Research Background 3-year, joint development effort supporting CTSA designation 2M patients, 10K reports per month, 15 FTE dedicated team Produces near-real time dashboards for ED, ICU and DVT Compliance Supports novel research, operations improvements, and outcomes reporting Leading role in pursuing meaningful use certification through CCHIT Background 3-year, joint development effort supporting CTSA designation 2M patients, 10K reports per month, 15 FTE dedicated team Produces near-real time dashboards for ED, ICU and DVT Compliance Supports novel research, operations improvements, and outcomes reporting Leading role in pursuing meaningful use certification through CCHIT Challenge: Align AMC partners to support one shared repository for clinical data. Innovation: Achieved strategic alignment across AMC to maintain a single data repository through a sustainable model for governance, financing, and operations.
System Interoperability: Dynamic Sharing of Patient Information Enabling Continuity of Care Background Provides consolidated patient view across diverse IT platforms and secure physician messaging with consolidated inbox Integrates patient information across 3 leading EMRs Serves as a platform for future integration, innovation and Health Information Exchange (HIE) Background Provides consolidated patient view across diverse IT platforms and secure physician messaging with consolidated inbox Integrates patient information across 3 leading EMRs Serves as a platform for future integration, innovation and Health Information Exchange (HIE) Challenge: Provide real-time view of Northwestern patients across diverse care settings and IT environments. Innovation: Based on dynamic patient information aggregation (API) making marked advantages in development time, cost, flexibility and security.
Biomedical Systems Integration: Implications of Connecting Real-Time Medical Devices Background Implemented enterprise systems for imaging, telemetry, fetal monitoring and sleep apnea FDA certification remains at the device level Emerging systems architectures need to address manageability and single points of failure Background Implemented enterprise systems for imaging, telemetry, fetal monitoring and sleep apnea FDA certification remains at the device level Emerging systems architectures need to address manageability and single points of failure Challenge: Provide reliable performance and alerting across a broad array of patient monitoring devices, vendors, and technology platforms. Innovation: Developing multiparty agreements clarifying accountability, support and risk.
Enterprise Project Management: Sponsorship, Methodology and New Levels of Execution Background Implemented PMO across IT, Construction, and Equipment Deployed standardized project management process and tools to 80 project managers Rationalized enterprise capital project portfolio from 600+ to 250 active projects Background Implemented PMO across IT, Construction, and Equipment Deployed standardized project management process and tools to 80 project managers Rationalized enterprise capital project portfolio from 600+ to 250 active projects Challenge: Establish standardized project management capability across an enterprise with varying methodologies and project experience. Innovation: Engaged organization in collaborative design of standard, scalable, and relevant methodologies by area for project execution.
Integrating New Organizations: Aligning IT to Achieve Cost Effective Growth Background Affiliated with Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital in February, 2010 Established methodology, team leads, and dashboard reporting prior to diligence Applying mature IT run model to maintain 3.5% operating expense while growing capability Consolidating system portfolio using IT Architecture standards, started at agreement signing Background Affiliated with Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital in February, 2010 Established methodology, team leads, and dashboard reporting prior to diligence Applying mature IT run model to maintain 3.5% operating expense while growing capability Consolidating system portfolio using IT Architecture standards, started at agreement signing Challenge: Fully integrate a new organization in an repeatable manner to manage risk, cost, and growth. Innovation: Applying standard, reusable tools and approaches developed in a collaborative effort led by non-IT executives.