Content Hardware Architecture Microcontroller Code MSP430F2132 Operating Modes & Interrupts Code High-level States Communication Layer
Hardware Architecture Voltage Supervisor + Voltage Regulator Antenna gets RF signal External Voltage Supervisor tells MCU when to wake up MCU processes bits and performs Gen 2 protocol Polls sensors to gather data Maximize power transfer to Power Harvester RF signal rectified into DC voltage Interprets signal into bits + converts bit voltage level to be Vreg Transistor that changes antenna impedance for ‘backscatter’
Microcontroller MSP430F2132 Architecture General Information Frequency 16 MHz Flash/ROM 8 KB RAM 512 Bytes Information Memory 256 Bytes Clock System ACLK 32.7 MHz watch crystal MCLK Used by CPU SMCLK What is consumed by RFID code: Timer 0.25 of 8K flash RAM – volatile variables. Small chunk Port 1 for Comm Port 2 for SV INT Port 3 for debugging (no interrupt capability) Cannot share P1 interrupts or timer capture/compare interrupts (timing sensitive for comm) 16 MHz = 3.6V Used by Peripheral Modules Consumed by RFID RAM – variables. Small chunk used Port 1 Interrupt used for Communication. Port 2 Interrupt used for Voltage Supervisor – can be shared Port 3 for debugging (no interrupt capability) 2 Timer counter interrupts (one used for communication) Used 4 pins total out of 24 GPIO
Available Interrupts vs. Sleep State Available Clocks vs. Sleep State Microcontroller Operating Modes Interrupts Types Non-Maskable: NMI pin, Oscillator fault, flash access violation Maskable: Peripherals and WDT in Interval Mode > 1 peripheral interrupt pending simultaneously In 2132: Comparator Brownout Protection RAM Flash …higher priority > WDT Available Interrupts vs. Sleep State Active Mode All Interrupts LPM0, LPM1, LPM2, LPM3 ADC, WDT, Timer, External LPM4 External What is Vcc? What are System Resets? Interrupt Processing NORMAL GIE on by developer NESTED Available Clocks vs. Sleep State GIE on by developer Interrupt Service Routine Active Mode All Clocks. CPU active (~200uA/MHz) Interrupt Service Routine Interrupt Service Routine GIE turned off by Hardware Interrupt serviced GIE turned on by Hardware LPM0/1 All Clocks. CPU off (~30uA/MHz) GIE turned off by Hardware GIE turned on by developer LPM2/3 DCO off. LFOSC on. CPU off (~1uA @ ~10kHz) LPM4 All disabled (0.1uA) All pre-Interrupt settings in place New Interrupt serviced w/o priority
Code High-Level States
Code Communication Layer Receive EPC State Machine Transmit Port 1 Interrupt & GIE Enabled Setup to Receive LPM4 No Timer value wrt bit length & encoding Enough # bits Port 1 Interrupt Yes No Timer Interrupt Enabled Correct Command Yes Process packet Port 1.1 delimiterNotFound = 1 Flip Port 1 transmit pin at timer interrupt Timer Reset at every positive edge Each bit pushed into register Timer not reset (i.e. no bit) WISP breaks out of communication layer