AIM Pre-FRB Webmeeting Session 12 Jun 07 Alan Litz NAVAIR Orlando TSD
Agenda Introduction of all participants – Alan Litz Planned Agenda – Alan Litz –Traditional AIM – Jamie Stewart –Overview on Content Prototype and Modernized End-state – Jim Ferrall –CPS Demo – Paul Graf –LO Module Demo – Paul Graf –Overview of Use Cases and Relationship to AIM Modernization – Richard Garrison
Points of Contact Alan Litz / – Jamie Stewart / / Jim Ferrall / / Paul Graf / / Richard Garrison / /
Traditional AIM Overview
AIM Background Follows ISD rules of the PADDIE model AIM I Built on NAVEDTRA 131 Performance Based Curriculum AIM II Built on NAVEDTRA 130 Task Based Curriculum
AIM Outputs Printable Materials PDF SCORM Compliant Files Database export for use in other AIM systems
Maint/Surv of Current Curriculum Manual Process Checking Resources Validating Objectives Id Affected Test Items LP/TG DP/RIA/Sheet Chgs Results Time Consuming Errors
Maint/Surv of AIM Curriculum Relational Database Resources Linked to Tasks Resources/Tasks Linked to Obj Res/Tasks/Obj Linked to Tests Res/Tasks/Obj Linked to LP/TG Automated Minimal Human Error Reduces Surv/Maint Time
Additional AIM Benefits SCORM XML output for use with LMS Browsable HTML and PDF for use in the electronic classroom – tested with Elite and the Navy LMS IETM interface capabilities many communities are not yet exploiting Proven interface with the ILE enterprise repository via CMAD (including ADL-R registration) Centralized management capability via Metaframe- based central site hosted in Orlando
Overview on ILE Content Prototype and AIM Modernized End-state
Both the ILE Content Prototype (performed by AIM team in FY06) and the AIM Modernization Plan share 4 basic assumptions on the ILE design: –All ILE content will be stored and managed in an application independent enterprise data environment (EDE) –ILE applications will input, search, and reuse content data in the EDE via Web services (also known as Services-oriented Architecture (SOA)) –All ILE content needs rich metadata in the EDE –Content hierarchy: JTA -> NLOS -> Learning Objects
AIM Modernization Scenario
CPS/LO Module Demos
Video Demos of Content Prototype Project Link to video demos of various phases of content prototype project: ol%20Demonstrations.html
Overview of Use Cases and Relationship to AIM Modernization
PURPOSE AIM is now modernizing from the traditional AIM I / AIM II baseline to support the new ILE content formats and business rules. Use Cases will be used to obtain a broad spectrum of Center and SYSCOM user input on: –detailed definitions of business rules –detailed definitions of event sequences –detailed definitions of process used to develop and maintain ILE compliant learning material. These will translate into the functionality of the toolset made available.
RELATION TO R&D R&D project call Integrated Skills Training Data Aggregation Study (ISTDAS). This project is chartered to: –Develop skills-centric integrated information model of work requirements, performance objectives, learning objectives, and learning content –Develop prototype system that calculates a skills-based training gap of work requirements to Sailor resume of knowledge, skills, and abilities –Use training gap to select learning objectives and learning content objects in SOA, EDE based architecture The AIM team has been working closely with the ISTDAS project to generate key learning content-oriented, government-furnished information (GFI) essential to the effective conduct of that project. Use Cases discussed in this document key to support of ISTDAS Expanding inputs to apply the same value that the AIM FRB has traditionally provided for Navy ILT to the ILE business rules and data environments being designed and tested by ISTDAS.
USE CASES Five use cases are planned initially with others added as required: 1)Analyze 2)Design 3)Create 4)Surveillance 5)Audit
covers the processes –From Ingesting the Performance Requirements OCCSTDS per OPNAVINST A –To determining the necessary training to satisfy those requirements identifying more specific training tasks via Training Task Analysis process when required defining Navy Learning Objective Statements (NLOS) linked to those Performance Requirements mapping those NLOS into Course/Module/Lesson/Section learning content outlines. Analyze
Design This Use Case covers: Selecting scope of work. How users develop NLOS and COI. How users determine the delivery method to include if it will be taught in a schoolhouse or on- board How those selections can affect the design of the entire position’s training path Searching for similar existing NLOS & Los for R3
Create Building the Learning Objects (LOs) –For the tasks identified in the Analyze process as requiring formal training
Surveillance Review of ILE compliant material Identify change drivers that will impact existing training material Evaluating those drivers to determine if the training material requires updating
Audit Discusses how the ILE content sponsor or support personnel (users) will audit ILE learning content to ensure currency of the learning content linkages [NLOS & JTA]
Backup Slides
ILE Content Design & Development Entering argument for the LO Module is TOS/EOS developed in Content Planning System (CPS) and imported from ILE repository AIM team programming CPS and working closely with Center Style Guide development teams in design and implementation of LO Module LO Module provides developer tools to find, store, and organize assets into blocks (grouping of assets) and blocks into ELOs Focus is on development of ILE instructor-led training (ILT) content and re-authoring of existing LP/TG content into ILE ILT and/or self-paced content
Content Asset Generation Assets can be imported from existing LP/TG content or from ILE repository or created independently and inserted into LO Module IMI Library supports multiple asset types with GUID generation, version information, and metadata generation Element structure within Section supports assembly of assets into reusable ELOs supporting one EOS
LO Module Basic Functions Import approved TOS and EOS from repository Provide tools to assemble assets into elements, elements into Sections, and Sections into Lessons Automatically generate default values for all mandatory metadata at asset, Section, and Lesson level Export finish ILT content to ILE repository and in-process self- paced content to ILE-compliant self-paced authoring tools Support life-cycle surveillance and update of authored content
ILE Content Design & Development Output finished ILT and in-process self-paced content objects in SCORM 2004/Navy SCORM compliant packages Publish content packages in variety of XML packages for use with different tools