The Gospel According to YOU! -- Part III Luke 1: 26-33 We have discussed -- I. Christ as Redeemer II. Man’s need to Repent Next, we see Him as the _______.


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Presentation transcript:

The Gospel According to YOU! -- Part III Luke 1: We have discussed -- I. Christ as Redeemer II. Man’s need to Repent Next, we see Him as the _______ Who _______ & _______ ! King rulesreigns We have to answer the question - Is Jesus _______ & _______ ? Lord Savior

The Bible is full of promises about a King who will come to rule & reign. Luke gives us a full description of the Reigning King. The word “King” and “kingdom” appear some 3000 times in the Bible.

Luke says … A. He is the ______ of God. B. He ______ on the _______ of David. C. He _______ over the house of ________. reigns throne Son Judah reigns

His reign is… I. Universal in its _______. A. ____________ (all places) B. __________ (all people) Everywhere Everyone scope Everything C. ___________ (all power)

His reign is… II. Unconditional in its ____________. A. All _________ (Matt. 28:18) B. All ______ authority power sovereignty kingdoms C. All _________

His reign is… III. Ulitimate in its __________. A. The __________ that will be made! 1. Every knee shall _____. confession bow supremacy blessing B. The ________ we will receive. 2. Every tongue shall ________. confess 1. _____ with Him Rule 2. Share in His ________ kingdom

His reign is… III. Ulitimate in its __________. C. The __________ 1. _____ of ______ conclusion King supremacy Kings 2. _____ of ______ Lord Lords