Connection to Acts of the Apostles Originally part of the same work by the same author Luke tells us about Jesus’ ministry Acts tells us about the early Apostles
Who was Luke Not Jewish Very highly educated Possibly a Physician Companion of Paul
Highlights in Luke’s Gospel 1.Infancy and Childhood 2.Mary’s Role 3.Prayer 4.The Mission 5.Teaching through Parables 6.Jerusalem
Luke’s Opening
Infancy Narrative
Chapter 4: Setting the Tone Luke 4:16-30 Jesus reads in the temple Fulfillment is at hand God’s Kingdom is a present reality Continues with our Church
Preferential Option for the Poor Responsibility to take care of the poor and suffering
Parables Rich man and Lazarus Rich Fool Good Samaritan Prodigal Son
The Mission Spread to all Jews In Acts, will spread beyond, to all people
Prayer Central part of Christ’s ministry Frequently retreats to pray in solitude Before and after every major event
Temple Tantrum Mark 11:15-19 Matthew 21:12-17 Luke 19:45-48 Sadducees question Jesus’ authority Sadducees fear Jesus’ popularity
Caiaphas Head Sadducee Advised by Annas Dominates Sanhedrin Protect nation
Judas Iscariot 30 Pieces of silver Satan Why did Judas betray Jesus? Was Judas’ betrayal necessary?
Pontius Pilate Claims Jesus was innocent Harsh and cruel governor Did the Romans feel threatened by Jesus?
Jewish Masses Shouted “Crucify Him” Loyal to Jesus originally Why did they change allegiance to Barabas? Blood Guilt