Fuel Quality Standards Development Post CAA Accomplishment Fuels PNS/DOE QS 001:2005 for Unleaded Motor Gasoline Specs Continuing quality improvement to harmonize international/regional environmental standard for fuel quality, to wit: Reduced the maximum sulfur content to 0.05% mass for all grades (EURO conformance); Pb contamination tolerance reduced to 0.005 g/L maximum; Ethers reduced to 2% maximum by volume, Alcohol are now specified and limited to ethanol. Deleted/phased-out the Regular Plus grade (87 RON); and Regular gasoline grade to include a provision on the pump label “NOT RECOMMENDED FOR VEHICLES WITH FOUR (4) OR MORE WHEELS PNS/DOE QS 006:2005 for Fuel Oil (Bunker) Specs – updating of standards
Fuel Quality Standards Development Alternative Fuels Accomplishment PNS/DOE QS 005:2005 for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases. Highlights the inclusion of Auto LPG grade. PNS/DOE QS 007:2005 for Anhydrous Bioethanol Fuel Quality standard for fuel grade ethanol both pure (Bioethanol) and denatured grade, with 2% ULG denaturant (Fuel Bioethanol), for blending with gasoline for use as automotive spark ignition engine fuel.
Fuel Quality Standards Development Alternative Fuels Accomplishment ON-GOING STANDARDS DPNS/DOE QS 008:2006 for E-Gasoline Fuel (E-10) specification 9.5 - 10% bioethanol 3.5% Oxygen content, max DPNS/DOE QS 009:2006 for Biodiesel Blend (CB1) specification To harmonize with quality improvements in conventional diesel 1.0 – 1.2% CME blend to conventional diesel 400 micron, max. lubricity 0.1% max. water & sediments DPNS/DOE QS 010:2006 for Jatropha Fuel specification