West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20151 When the lines are not in use: The Dock side hump valve for each line must be closed The Terminal side hump valves must be open. Hump Valves Dockside Hump ValvesTerminal Side Hump Valves
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20152 It may be necessary to receive product via the West Memphis Pipeline using the Barge Suction Manifold due to other product movements at the terminal occupying the receipt manifold. Example: receiving product from Teppco Pipeline. Note: It is essential that both Hump Valves on line 3 are closed for this line-up. The following valves must be open: MOV 002 Main Line Block Valve Pipeline Horizontal Gate Valve to Barge Suction Receipt Lineup MOV 6 – Gasoline Lineup Pump 3 Cross-over Gate Valve Pump 3 Cross-over Bypass Valve Main Gate Bypass Valve to Suction Manifold Suction Manifold Splitter Valve (this example) Appropriate Tank Valve on Suction Manifold (example 806) The following valves must be closed: Both Hump Valves on Line 3 (this example) Pump 4 Cross-over Gate Valve Pump 4 Cross-over Bypass Valve Pump 4 Discharge MOV Valve Pump 3 Discharge MOV Valve Pump 4 Suction Gate Valve Pump 3 Suction Gate Valve Non Applicable Tank Valves on Suction Manifold Pipeline MOV Valves 9, 10 & 11 Barge Product may be received utilizing the Suction Manifold. The diagram shows an example of receiving product from line 4, through the Suction Manifold and filling Tank 807. The following valves must be open: Dock Dolphin Valve on Line 4 Dock Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Line 4 Outboard Isolation Valve Pump 4 Crossover Bypass Valve Main Gate Bypass Valve to Barge Suction Manifold Suction Manifold Splitter Valve Manifold Valve to Tank 807 The following valves must be closed: Terminal Side Hump Valve on Line 4 All non-applicable Dock Side Hump Valves (lines 3-2-1) Pump 4 Crossover Pipeline Gate Valve Pump 3 Crossover Bypass Valve Pump 4 Discharge MOV Valve All non-applicable Manifold Tank Valves
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20153 Barge Product is normally received with the following Valve and Tank Alignment. This example shows product being unloaded through line 4 to Tank 807. (An alternate (light purple line) tank 806 path is also shown) The following valves must be open: Dock Dolphin Valve on Line 4 Dock Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Terminal Side Hump Valve on Line 4 807 Tank Gate Valve The following valves must be closed: Dock Side Hump Valves to Lines 3-2&1 Crossover Gate Valve from Pump 3 Crossover Gate Valve from Pump 4 Crossover Bypass Valve from Pump 3 Crossover Bypass Valve from Pump 4 Pump 3 Discharge MOV Valve Pump 4 Discharge MOV Valve All Valves on Barge Suction Manifold relating to gasoline receipts. ALTERNATE to 806 (Open 902 valve on line 4 and 902 valve on line 3 – then 806 Tank Gate Valve. Tank 807 Valve must remain Closed.
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20154 Barge Loading when Loading with a specific line Pump to a different Line. Detail The following valves must be open: Tank 807 Valve on Manifold Pump 4 Suction Valve Pump 4 Discharge MOV Valve Pump 4 Crossover Bypass Valve Pump 3 Crossover Bypass Valve Terminal Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Dock Side Hump Valve on Line 3 The following valves must be closed: All non-applicable tank valves on manifold Line 4 Outboard Isolation Valve Pump 4 Crossover Gate Valve Pump 3 Crossover Gate Valve Dock Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Terminal Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Barge Loading – Standard Setup up on Line 4 Detail The following valves must be open: Tank 807 Valve on Manifold Pump 4 Suction Valve Pump 4 Discharge MOV Valve Line 4 Outboard Isolation Valve Dock Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Dock Dolphin Valve on Line 4 The following valves must be closed: Pump 4 Crossover Bypass Valve Pump 4 Crossover Gate Valve Terminal Side Hump Valve on Line 4 All non-applicable Dock Side Hump Valves
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20155 Receiving WM Pipeline at the Barge Suction Manifold The following valves must be open: MOV 2 on West Memphis Pipeline MOV 11 Tank 810 Valve The following valves must be closed: MOV 6 – Gasoline Lineup MOV 7 – Fuel Lineup MOV 9 MOV 10 All Non Applicable Valves on Pipeline Gasoline Receipt Header Tank Valve 810 on Line 3
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20156 In-House Line Wash Runaround Detail The following valves must be open: Tank 808 Valve on Manifold Pump 3 Suction Valve Pump 3 Discharge Valve Dockside Hump Valve on Line 3 Dock Dolphin Valve on Line 3 Dock Runaround Manifold Valve on Line 3 Dock Runaround Manifold Valve on Line 4 Dock Dolphin Valve on Line 4 Dockside Hump Valve on Line 4 Terminal Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Tank 807 Valve The following valves must be closed: All non applicable Tank Valves on manifold Pump 4 Discharge Valve Pump 4 Crossover Bypass Valve Pump 4 Crossover Gate Valve Line 4 Outboard Isolation Valve Pump 3 Crossover Gate Valve Pump 3 Crossover Bypass Valve Terminal Side Hump Valve on Line 3 All non-applicable Dockside Hump Valves All non-applicable Dock Dolphin Valves All non-applicable Dock Runaround Manifold valves All Line 3 Tank Valves All non-applicable line 4 Tank Valves All non-applicable tank valves on Tank 902 line Gate Valve end of Line 4 Gate Valve end of Line 3
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20157 Tank to Tank Transfer (example from 807 to 806) The following valves must be open: Tank 807 Valve on Manifold Pump 4 Suction Valve Pump 4 Discharge Valve Line 4 Outboard Isolation Valve Terminal Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Tank 902 valve on line 4 Tank 902 Valve on line 3 Tank 806 Valve The following valves must be closed:\ All non-applicable Tank Valves on Manifold Pump 4 Crossover Bypass Valve Pump 4 Crossover Gate Valve Pump 3 Crossover Bypass Valve Pump 3 Crossover Gate Valve Pump 3 Discharge Valve Dock Side Hump Valve on Line 3 Dock Dolphin Valve on Line 3 All non-applicable tank valves on line 4 All non-applicable Tank 902 valves on 902 line All non-applicable Tank Valves on line 3 Gate Valve end of Line 4 Gate Valve end of Line 3
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20158 Field Set-up Date:
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/20159 MOV 2 MOV 002 on West Memphis Pipeline Dock Side Hump Valve on Line 4 Suction Manifold Splitter Valve Dock Side Hump Valves Terminal Side Hump Valves MOV 6 – Gasoline Lineup Pipeline Horizontal Gate Valve to Barge Suction Receipt Lineup Line 4 Outboard Isolation Valve Pump 4 Crossover Gate Valve Pump 4 Crossover Bypass Valve Line 3 Crossover Gate Valve Pump 3 Crossover Bypass Valve Pump 4 MOV Discharge Valve Pump 3 MOV Discharge Valve Main Gate Bypass Valve to Barge Suction Manifold Pump 4 Suction Valve Tank Valves on Barge Suction Manifold MOV 9 Tank Valves 902 Gate Valves MOV 7 – Fuel Lineup Shorthorn Lateral MOV Valves
West Memphis Terminal Procedures EQU-705-WM Terminal and Dock Hump Valves 08/30/ /25/201510