DEFINING VISION a realistic, credible, attractive future for [an] organization.
Realistic A vision must be based in reality to be meaningful for an organization. For example, if you're developing a vision for a luxury hotel, you will NOT be the “first choice” for ALL travelers coming to the city!
Credible A vision must be believable to be relevant. If the members of the organization do not find the vision credible, it will not be meaningful or serve a useful purpose. One of the purposes of a vision is to inspire staff to achieve a level of excellence, and to provide purpose and direction for the work of those employees. A vision which is not credible will accomplish neither of these ends.
Attractive If a vision is going to inspire and motivate those in the organization, it must be attractive. People must want to be part of this future that's envisioned for the organization.
Future A vision is not in the present, it is in the future. A vision is not where you are now, it's where you want to be in the future. (If you reach or attain a vision, and it's no longer in the future, but in the present, is it still a vision?)
Hilton Our Vision At Hilton International, we strive for high standards of performance and advocate socially and environmentally responsible business practice throughout our global operations. Our aim is to bring a positive benefit to the societies in which we operate, through high quality services, economic growth, environmental management, community involvement and, of course, employment.
Starwood We succeed only when we meet and exceed the expectations of our customers, owners and shareholders. We have a passion for excellence and will deliver the highest standards of integrity and fairness. We celebrate the diversity of people, ideas and cultures. We honor the dignity and value of individuals working as a team. We improve the communities in which we work. We encourage innovation, accept accountability and embrace change. We seek knowledge and growth through learning.We share a sense of urgency, and endeavor to have fun too.
Hospitality Proprietary Vision Statement: Hospitality's corporate vision is to be the Western Australian leader in the management and operation of quality hospitality and tourism brands and to achieve growth and profitability by creating pleasurable leisure and corporate hospitality experiences for an ever increasing portfolio of satisfied clients whilst maintaining a environmentally sensitive and sustainable tourism business which adds to the well being of our Western Australian community and in the course of achieving those objectives to train and nurture our employees so that we may be confident that our businesses and our people are well respected throughout our community.
A vision is not a mission. To state that an organization has a mission is to state its purpose, not its direction… MISSION STATEMENT Quorum Health Group, Inc., is a hospital company committed to meeting the needs of clients as an owner, manager, consultant or partner through innovative services that enhance the delivery of quality healthcare. VISION STATEMENT Quorum Health Group, Inc., will be valued for its expertise in hospital management and its ability to positively impact the delivery of quality healthcare. What are the differences between these two statements? Note that the mission is oriented in the present while the vision is oriented in the future. The mission states what QHG does in concrete terms while the vision states what it wants to do in more idealistic terms.
NOTES Vision statements are timeless…it is closer to impossible than possible. Avoid words like best, premium or superior as they are subjective in nature. Your vision must inspire and motivate your people. A vision must dare the impossible. Meeting guests’ expectations is not impossible and hence has no place in a vision statement. Write your vision in an aggressive manner to spark involvement and energize your people. Keep it brief so people can remember the vision.