NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations Ineke Malsch, Malsch TechnoValuation EuroIndiaNet final conference, New Delhi, 3 March 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations Ineke Malsch, Malsch TechnoValuation EuroIndiaNet final conference, New Delhi, 3 March 2007

Contents of this presentation: 1)Introduction 2)NanoforumEULA Consortium 3)Activities 4)Opportunities for collaboration with EuroIndiaNet NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations

Specific Support Action Nanoforum EU Latin America; Project duration 18 months, to ; Funding: European Union; Sixth EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development; Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, Knowledge Based Multifunctional Materials and New Production Processes and Devices (FP6, NMP); Aim: to foster lasting research relations between European research organisations and research organisations in Latin America specialising in nanotechnology. NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations 1) Introduction

UT-MESA+, Enschede, The Netherlands (project coordinator) Malsch TechnoValuation, Utrecht, The Netherlands (technical manager) SUFRAMA, Manaus, Brazil CEA-LETI, MINATEC, Grenoble, France Fraunhofer-IWS, Dresden, Germany UAM, Madrid, Spain IPICyT, Juan Luis Potosi, Mexico NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations 2) NanoforumEULA Consortium

Exchange visits: 20 Latin American researchers, postdocs or PhD students can receive a grant for three months travel, subsistence and research expenses in one of the four nanotechnology research centres in the NanoforumEULA consortium in Europe; Call opened 1 February 2007 and closes 1 May Publication of selected candidates August 2007, Visits between 15 August 2007 and 1 May NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations 3) Activities

Events: 1)Between 20 and 23 August 2007: NanoforumEULA workshop during the XVI International Materials Research Congress in Cancun, Mexico; 2)Adjacent: fact finding mission of nanotechnology research labs in Mexico; 3)Spring 2008: Nanotechnology workshop in Brazil; 4)Spring 2008: Fact Finding mission of nanotechnology research labs in Brazil. NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations 3) Activities

1)Exchange of information and experiences on activities in the project and proposals for stimulating networking after the end of the project; 2)Possibly develop a proposal for global collaboration or events bringing together partners from both networks and others; 3)Other suggestions welcome NanoforumEULA for EU-Latin American Nano-collaborations 4) Opportunities for collaboration with EuroIndiaNet

NanoroadSME ( ): developed roadmaps on nanomaterials for heath/medical; energy; automotive and aerospace applications to 2015 for the benefit of SMEs. Results downloadable from EuroIndiaNet interviews: I will contact all participants for short telephone/ interviews on future visions of nanotechnology implications for Indian society and what the platform can contribute. Please let me know if you are willing to cooperate. Ineke Malsch, Other projects