July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 1 SLAC BaBar Program-Overview Blair Ratcliff SLAC BaBar Department Head.


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Presentation transcript:

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 1 SLAC BaBar Program-Overview Blair Ratcliff SLAC BaBar Department Head

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 2 Core Elements of SLAC’s BaBar Contributions Detector: Provide infrastructure, support, engineering, technical support, and management (see talk of H. Jawahery) now moving to D&D (see D&D Session-Wisniewski& Krebs) Computing: Provide infrastructure, support, and management (G. Dubois-Felsmann) Physicist Collaborators (SLAC BaBar) –Overview-Structure and Leadership (Blair) –Physics Sketches: Studies of Upsilon SpectroscopyP. Grenier New Charmonium-like StatesA. Gabareen-Mokhtar Studies of Charm MixingJ. Coleman Charmless B DecaysM. Graham

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 3 Status of the Collaboration-H. Jawahery 74 Institutions in 10 countries Although fewer BaBarians than last year, with more than 200 students and postdocs the collaboration continues to be on a very strong foundation. FacultyPhD StaffPostdocGradNon-PhDTotals Canada France Germany Italy Netherlands112 Norway213 Russia Spain3238 United Kingdom United States Totals

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 4 Overview of SLAC BaBar Manpower – FY2008&2010

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 5 SLAC BaBar Physics Manpower by Year (FTE)

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 6 SLAC Physics Program Support *Detector Operations & “Service” until the shutdown –(~0.6 of Active Physicist FTEs, ~2x nominal collaboration average) –Significant role in most detector systems, computing, etc. –Moving to minimal maintenance and D&D phases *Computing Support is evolving rapidly. –Online personnel moving to other roles in BaBar or positions in SLAC –Substantial offline support remains essential, but evolving. *Physics Analysis (more later) *Leadership – Snapshot as of May 2008 –Collaboration Management Technical Coordinator Computing Coordinator Council Chair –Operations and Technical Operations Manager System Leadership & Technical Board (Transition to Maintenance and onto D&D) –DCH –DIRC –EMC –IFR/LST –Trigger –MDI –Physics and Tools Convenors (7/42-May 08 Snapshot) Quarkonia Hadronic Spectra 2 body Charmless 3 body Charmless Semileptonic Charm Neutral Particles Reconstruction and ID –Standing and Ad-hoc Committees Exec board; Speakers Bureau; Pub Board; Membership Committee; etc.

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 7 Shift in data taking goals for run 7 Challenges in many areas, especially accelerator, trigger & DAQ, online, and computing  Successful  S),  S), and above  S) scans. The end of an era- last run completed April 7. BaBar now in a transition period to the Minimum Maintenance State (~Sept 1).  Completing the development of appropriate monitoring system Ownership of detector in transition  SLAC responsibility Minimum Maintenance State  D&D. BaBar Detector

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 8 BaBar Computing Expect delivery of the final data set about the end Need to support ~2 more years of full-scale analysis with extensive central computing activities Includes analysis, 2-3 skim cycles per year, and substantial simulation production. Can do if we retain infrastructure in place now, including at SLAC, Tier-A sites and the network of simulation hosts. Assumes retention of resources at Tier-A sites, network of simulation hosts *“Ramp-down” period begins in 2010….remaining analysis should converge at SLAC Total need should be similar to current SLAC-only capacity in 2011, then decline fairly rapidly Continued (diminishing) support is needed for several more years For the long term need a system for archiving datasets and providing accessibility for analysis; will begin real engineering once reprocessing started

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 9 Physics Well into the  (4S) intense analysis period (9 months ahead of schedule). Have a rich new dataset in the broader Upsilon region in addition to the  (4S). Top priority now is to publish the “core” analyses with the full dataset. It will take substantial effort, and long term commitment to tap the full potential of the data.

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 10 Analysis SLAC BaBar Physics Analysis *Fully collaborative physics analysis model….. across institutions and groups. *Broad program. Many different “key” results. *SLAC is full participant in all phases of the physics. E.g., there were 198 BaBar Analysis Notes in the last 3 months. A SLAC physicist was the lead editor on 24. *Some examples of SLAC BaBar’s interests: –CP Violation in B   0  0 &, more generally, B  mm’ where m and m’ are charmless mesons. –Inclusive semi-leptonic B decays and the extraction of |V ub | & |V cb | –CP Violation and search for new physics in B   K s ; B  K + K - K s ; B  K L K s K s –Search for Exotic Baryons (Pentaquarks) –Search for narrow mesonic resonances (D s, X(3872), etc.) –Inclusive Hadronic Spectra;  K,p, ,  c,…………….. –Radiative Penguin decays; Inclusive b  s  Inclusive b  d    K*  ; B   ; B   ; etc. –ISR; Exclusive hadronic final states; Inclusive and exclusive measurements of R. –Exclusive VV production in e+e- collisions. –Leptonic b & c decays; (e.g., B   e  D   D s   –Exclusive B decays; B  p+p-      ’K* –CP violation in  +  - B decays –Determination of Hyperon Spins.

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 11 SLAC BaBar Physics Leadership History AWG/Tools/Task Force Conveners Charmless 2 Body Cristianziani, Roodman Charmless 3 Body Dujmic, Graham CharmColeman SemileptonicLuth, Dingfelder Radiative PenquinsLibby, Jessop, Convery Leptonic DecaysRobinson, Schindler, Nelson PentaquarkHalyo Inclusive SpectraMuller, Ratcliff Particle IDAston Neutral Particles/Reco and IDRoodman QuarkoniaGrenier  Presently comprise 6/24 Physics AWG conveners

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 12 Physics Program Support-Education  10 Stanford Ph.D. Graduate Students (5/08).  Research Associates –10 –How many do we turnover? 20 in last five years.

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 13 BaBar SLAC Ph.D. Students Graduated Students and Thesis Topics Hiro Tanaka, Radiative Decays of the B Meson (8/02). Aron Soha, Branching Fraction and TDCPA in B 0 Decays to Psi and a   (5/03). Amanda Weinstein, Study of Exclusive Charmless Semileptonic Decays of the B Meson (12/04). Erkcan Ozcan, Measurement of Inclusive Radiative B Meson Decay B  X s  (1/06) Tetiana Hryn’ova, Study of B Meson Decays to p anti-p h Final States (3/06) Joerg Stelzer, A Precise Measurement of Ds   (4/06). Nicolas Berger, Inclusive Measurement of RHAD with ISR events (4/06). Mark Allen, Measurement of Alpha in B  p0 p0, p+p0, and K+p0 (2007) Current Students and Thesis Topics, if known. Kevin Yarritu, Radiative Penguin Decays Mark Allen, Measurement of Alpha in B           and      Joshua Thompson, Measurement of Beta in the Dalitz Analysis of B0  K + K - K s Andrew Wagner, Dalitz Analysis of B0  K +     Brian Lindquist, Asymmetries in Three Body Decays Manuel Franco Sevilla B to D*  Decays Wells Wulsin, B   l  Steve Sun, e + e -  V V Chris West, Search for eta-b in inclusive upsilon(3S) decays Jose Benitez, A study of D*npi final states and a search for new excited charm states

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 14 Future Challenges For SLAC BABAR Collaboration Manpower Base is slowly decreasing, with…. –An intense “Intense Analysis” period underway. –Uniquely large data sets for Physics Analyses on > 100 different topics. –Need to exploit the full data sets with methodological improvements for final archival analyses and publications. –Need to retain flexibility to include new physics channels and classes of events not previously envisioned. –Need to retain simulation capability and data accessibility for the long term –Increasing pressure on total manpower as LHC begins, now that experimental data taking has ended.  Continued need for substantial computing support during Intense Analysis phase (FY ).  Support for Maintenance and Detector D&D  (Fy ?) Retain simulation, data accessibility, and analysis capability to fully exploit the unique data set for physics.

July 7, 2008SLAC Annual Program ReviewPage 15 Summary SLAC BaBar: –Has provided infrastructure, management, and technical support for detector and computing for the life of the experiment. Moving to Minimal Maintenance Phase for Detector and on toward D&D. Significant support required for computing during intense analysis phase, decreasing thereafter, but becoming centered at SLAC. –SLAC BaBar Physicists partner with the Collaboration on physics analysis, & computing. Substantial computing and analysis efforts will be needed to mine and publish results from the very rich data set for both the intermediate and longer terms.