+ Children and youth rights in Boulder By: Corina B, Estephanie A, Jose A.
+ Outline Education Good things Need improvement Fun places Job opportunities
+ Education: Good things Help for children and youth in their studies Clubs Programs They help students to get in to college Advises Information grants
+ Education: Good things- continued These programs help students do their work so they can have good grades have good opportunities in their future.
+ Education: Need to improve Boulder should have more programs/places were they can go after school and get help in their homework. Every children and youth from different races should have the same opportunities in there education. Like the students that want go to college but they cant because of their legal status they should pay the same amount as the students that are legal. In school they should have the rights of cultural activities, access to information and freedom of though, conscience and religion.
+ Places where children and youth can have fun!!! One good place that boulder has were children’s can have fun are in the parks because boulder has a lot of parks were children can go and play. Another place were children can have fun is in the recreation center, they have a pool were people can swim, a place so people can do exercise and they also have a place were you can play basketball. Boulder has places were children’s and youth can go and play sports for example they can go to the pleasant view soccer field to go and play soccer
+ Places were children can have fun!!! One bad thing that boulder has is that in the programs or clubs were children’s and youth wants to go and have fun its to expensive to get in one example is in the recreation center you have to pay if you want to go in to swim and do exercise. Boulder should change the rule of paying to play a sport, we don’t think you should pay because people just want to go and have fun. If you pay it should not be that expensive.
+ Summer job opportunities Some of the many places that are available here in boulder for teens Petco Sports authortiy Boulder has many restaurants and is filled with private businesses that are in need of help.
+ The end Questions or comments Thank You!!