Using twitter and RSS feeders
We all have a PLN who is in yours now? Who is in your learning network? Who do you learn from on a regular basis? Who do you turn to for your own professional development?
PLN Basics What is a digital PLN? How would that help me? How do I create one? Twitter Really Simple Syndicate (RSS)
Pull Technology
Digital Networking Connect Contribute Converse Request Be Patient Be Authentic
Totally Individualized Subject matter Grade Topic or interest No one knows everything about anything, but a lot of people know something
Let’s Set Up an Account
Twitter Teacher
Twitter Set Up Confirm your account through your Create your profile Privacy settings Separating work and personal twitter Using your real name and photo for professional use
Create Your Profile
The Retweets DM direct message Using #hashtags
Retweets (RT)
Direct Messages (DM)
Favorites: a way to file resources
Twitter Search
Finding Tweeps
Shortening Your URL
Top 21 Twitter Clients
Tweet Deck
Twitter Etiquette
Find Some People to Follow Your address book to find people you know Hash tags # to find interests Look at people associated with someone you resonate Follow and unfollow to tailor your PLN
RSS Reader RSS in Plain English
Google Reader
Set up Your Reader Create a google account Click on Reader Start with 3-5 blogs to follow Let’s start finding blogs Edublog 2011 winners
In order to teach students about the power of social networking by learning to: Navigate Be safe Leverage their participation Act ethically Use effectively We have to understand it ourselves They are already engaged in networking, but there are not many people teaching them
So, what did you end up with? Pull Technology of New ideas Latest research Articles Accumulation Collaboration Partners