February NB Arlington, VA Senior Advisor – Support Update Col Skip Guimond
2 YOUR TEAM IS UP AND RUNNING! Support Section consists of 10 Advisors and 6 Team Leaders On-Line improvements continue including Ops Qual Ver 2 and beta testing of Aircraft Scheduling through WMIRS in three Wings. On-Line training, testing, and support is growing and will continue help our members enhance their PD and reduce their paperwork burden. Welcome Col Dave Braun as new Uniform Team Leader.
3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Col Bryan Cooper, Advisor CAP BOC released with very high enrollment already Updating numerous Specialty Tacks Revision of CAPR in final coordination Developing tool set for new Wing/Region PDOs. Senior NCO attendance at NSC recommendation released to NB
4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Lt Col Bill Hughes, Advisor ORMS up and running—working on resolving some issues. AMS work in progress and on schedule. Aircraft scheduling as an add-on to WMIRS now testing in 3 Wings Ops Quals Ver 2 released 2 February Aircraft Model cleanup (FAA IDs) now testing in NYWG IMU integration in progress
5 AEROSPACE EDUCATION Col Mike Murrell, Advisor Updated CAPP 15 completed, CAPP 215 in final review. Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) up and running with new publications AEO Schools in 2010 will be expanded to 5 or 6 New Robotics Program is almost complete, with RC Airplane Program to follow.
6 MARKETING Col Skip Guimond, Acting Advisor Seeking a new Marketing Advisor. Working on Simplified Checklist for New CAP Members on How To Qualify for Ops Missions Developing a new Marketing Plan for review by the National Commander.
7 PUBLIC AFFAIRS Maj Al Pabon, Team Leader “Volunteer Now” is a great success! National PA Plan is completed and being reviewed by senior staff. New PAO Specialty Track course and PAO Handbook completed for staff coordination. Developing a new PAO “store” of resources Numerous PAO workshops scheduled for 2010 including PIO/MIO tng at NESA
8 MEMBER AFFAIRS Lt Col Rick Moseley, Advisor Working with Public Affairs to improve CAP News with new “Volunteer Now” to bridge the gap with the Volunteer Magazine. Develop a new member’s checklist for qualification into the most popular specialty qualifications (Fast Start Program)
9 AWARDS & PROMOTIONS Lt Col Rick Mosley, Interim Team Leader Waiver requests are now being processed within a month—usually less than 2 weeks Emergency Approvals have been coordinated in less than a week—but please use sparingly Working directly with Wings to support requests lacking documentation rather than issue a denial Revisions to CAPR 39-3 and a new CAPP covering award preparation in the works.
10 UNIFORMS Col Dave Braun, Team Leader; Lt Col Rick Moseley, Advisor NB will consider the future of the CAP uniform selection and change policy and process Coordinated the numerous Uniform Agenda Items for Winter Board Consideration Developing a simplified process for member input with an on-line uniform column
11 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Col John Swain, Advisor $4 million restored to FY09 O&M budget, and $4 million for aircraft passed by both houses 2010 Legislative agenda approved by BOG 2010 CAP Washington Week at Andrews AFB preparation has begun Numerous briefings to Govt. Agencies Legislative Day a GREAT success!
12 STATE LEGISLATIVE TEAM LEADER Lt Col Jeff Wiswell, Team Leader; Col Swain, Advisor Developing templates and training programs for Wing Legislative Officers Developing a strong and effective State Legislative Team capable of providing support to those Wings which request it, and to assist in our overall legislative effectiveness. Working to fill Legislative Officer positions in all Wings.
13 CADET PROGRAMS Lt Col Ned Lee, Advisor Implementation Guide for CAPR is coming soon Working to expand partnerships with similar youth organizations in support of our LTO Continuing to expand our cadet activities through new NCSAs Developing plan for a new CAP Alumni Association for approval by CAP/CC NCSAs are on schedule.
14 National Cadet Special Activities Maj Joe Winter, Advisor 2010 NCSAs have over 2,500 applications under review. Revised Activity Director’s Guide for NCSAs will be available for Assisting ADs with curriculum development including program wide and individual learning outcomes. Finalizing staffing of all NCSAs.
15 DRUG DEMAND REDUCTION Lt Col Jett Mayhew, Team Leader; Lt Col Ned Lee CAPR 51-1 revisions in final review. “Fit For Flying” program in final review prior to staff coordination Developing standard format for local DDR Goals and Objectives Updating the DDR website Continuing to expand DDR activities such as parades and “Cadet Ken” appearances
16 SPAATZ ASSOCIATION Maj Steve Austen, Advisor; Lt Col Ned Lee Continuing liaison with the Spaatz Association Spaatz Patron Squadron is up and running 2010 Annual Dinner will be Saturday evening – hope to see you there Aerospace Leadership Scholarships ($2,500 each) will be awarded Saturday night
17 NATIONAL CADET ADVISORY COUNCIL Col Larry Trick, Advisor; Lt Col Ned Lee, Advisor Conduct and guide monthly NCAC Meetings Working Fitness, O Ride, C-182 Flight Training & DDR Issues Advertising Missions & NCSAs to all Cadets URBAN PROGRAMS Col George Boyd, Team Advisor Staff Study & Recommendations given to CAP/CC for review.
18 performing missions for America 18 Thank You for your continuing support, and we all look forward to serving you