Unit: New Imperialism Topic: The British Take Over Africa
1. Cape Town
In the mid-1600s, the Dutch establish-ed the Cape Town settlement in South Africa.
The Dutch farmers who settled in Cape Town were called Boers; the Boers kicked out or enslaved many Africans.
Shaka Zulu
The Zulus were an African tribe that the Boers pushed out of South Africa. In the 1800s, Shaka Zulu emerged as their very powerful leader, fighting the Boers whenever possible.
2. Goodbye, Boers!
In 1815, Cape Town passed from the Dutch to the British; many Boers resented British laws abolishing slavery.
The Boers packed up and headed north, establishing separate Boer republics.
This was called the “Great Trek.”
3. The Boer War 1899-1902
In the late 1800s, the discovery of gold and diamonds in the Boer republics set off the Boer War - the British fought the Dutch for their rich land.
The British won the Boer War, but at great cost.
The term “concentration camp” was first used to describe British POW camps, which included women and children.
4. South Africa
In 1910, the British united Cape Town and the former Boer republics into the Union of South Africa.
The British set up a gov’t run by whites and segregated South Africa (apartheid), which lasted until 1993.