Senator McCain, what are the first three things that come to mind when you hear the term “INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES”?
FIRSTLY, The Central Intelligence Agency gives me all the information that I need ?
SECOND, I think communications with our neighbours is very important And THIRD, America will continue to make the best technologies in the world.
So How did I do, dear? Your advisers will check the blogGER comments in the morning The what-now?
Are Schools and Teachers even in their view? Stuart Hasic December 2008 The Internet Through the Eyes of Our Students...
What’s MySpace? The most-popular social networking website offering an interactive, user-created network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos for teenagers and adults internationally Over 100 million users have accounts on MySpace 230,000 New registrations per day Kevin Rudd has a MySpace site
YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips Every minute, more than TEN hours of NEW videos are uploaded to YouTube During January 2008, 79 million users watched over 3 billion videos on YouTube Rudd and Howard used YouTube in 2007 to announce policy What’s YouTube?
What’s Facebook? Facebook is a social networking website where users join networks organised by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people More than 70 million people worldwide visited the website in April 2008 Facebook is the most popular for uploading photos, with 14 million uploaded daily. Facebook was named the second most popular “thing” among university undergraduates, tied with beer and only ranked lower than the iPod
So What CAN a Teacher Do??
Today’s Networked Student
John Cotton Dana – b 1856 "Who dares to teach must never cease to learn."
The Fear Factor When did we stop exploring? When did it all of a sudden become dangerous to click on something on our computer where we really don’t know what might happen? At what age do we lose that sense of adventure where we no longer take a risk? Every educational technology person must help fellow teachers get over this fear. To encourage them to explore these amazing digital tools
Steps Toward Teacher Integration 1. Awareness: Teachers have to know what tools exist You can’t know them all, but you can learn from your peers in school and on-line 2. Experimentation: You need to try things to see how they work (or not) and how they can be applied 3. Collaboration with colleagues: Working together means you are not alone and can support each other 4. Start Your Own Projects/Activities: Adapting and customising
The Digital Education Revolution All high school students Yrs 9-12 will receive a laptop starting mid-2009! This will affect ALL teachers. If K-8 teachers don’t prepare students what will happen when they hit year 9? Remember, this is a digital EDUCATION revolution, NOT a DIGITAL education revolution – Teachers MUST be involved The “National Curriculum” may be our last chance to get it right: to get ICT embedded into teaching and learning to make pedagogy through ICT a reality and not just an expectation in our students’ eyes.
Start Your Own Revolution Survey the students - what would they like to use, why and how does it apply? Involve a few teachers at a time to construct the activity to be run across classes Set up a non-threatening environment Regular hands-on meetings Encourage experimentation Share discoveries, successes and fails Include a sceptic in each group
Tomorrow’s Connected Teacher
“Past success is no guarantee of future relevance.” “To stand still is to fall behind.” “It was easier to fake it when things weren't changing so fast...” “21st Century Teachers need 21st Century Skills.” “Technology is only technology to those who were born before it.” “Teachers need to stop saying, “Hand it in,” and start saying “Publish it.” “We need to prepare students for THEIR future not OUR past.” More Quotable Quotes for Teachers
Questions? Thank you for your attention [let’s watch a video about change]