Developing Institutional Capacity for Learning Assessment Institutional Structures in India : An Overview Institutional Initiatives for Learning Assessment Issues for Discussion
Institutional Structures-Govt NCERTSCERTDIETBRCCRC
State Initiatives in Assessment NCERT conducts National Achievement Survey at Grades 3, 5 and 8 and recently grade10 every 3 years. Latest in Survey conducted with help of SCERTs, SIEs for which there are state/district coordinators. Detailed guidelines cum training module is prepared for quality control. Recent improvements include Multiple Test Forms, Item Response Theory for equivalence of forms; States also conduct achievement surveys eg Rajasthan and Gujarat. For CCE a Source book has been prepared by NCERT.
Non State Initiatives ASER Center, an NGO has been conducting since 2005 annual household based surveys by citizens in rural areas in age group of 5 to 16 in basic reading and maths. About 0.6 million children are tested annually across sectors including out of school. ASER has inspired similar surveys in many countries outside India. Education Initiatives has conducted since 2006 multi –state assessments covering government and private schools in grade appropriate competencies. Provide benchmarks plus gaps. With Gujarat government a Diagnostic Assessment covering 1000 students in grades 3, 5, 7 and 9 is conducted annually.
Issues For Discussion Some Key Questions: Who to assess? What to assess? How to assess? Why Assess?
Issues for Discussion Can we discuss Learning Assessment in isolation from Learning outcomes? How do we define learning outcomes? Are our Basic Assumptions correct? ( 1) School system is anchored on the notion of age grade progression with assumption all children are same level. Are they? (a) Diversity in ages. (5&4 year olds) (b) Socio- linguistic Diversity. Over 100 m children 2+years below grade level! (ASER) –.
Assumption 2: Inputs =Outcomes?! Children not learning because basic facilities are not there- schools, teachers, textbooks etc. What is happening in classrooms? Very little discourse on deeper educational issues on why students don’t learn. Sterile/hostile classrooms, not inclusive. Time on task studies show maximum time spent on copying—no engagement with content. Need for recreating ‘emergent literacy’ experiences in preschool/school like language immersion through activities, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, pre mathematical concepts and skills etc. Need for understanding of Science of learning –pedagogical and curricular expectations to be based on these.
Learning Assessment –Lessons learned Learning Levels very low.-NCERT /ASER –higher order skills not developed. Purpose of Assessment &Stakes : Resistance to large scale surveys because of associated stakes-- -administrators, teachers, parents….may lead to large scale manipulation of scores ! Important to have consensus on large scale assessment only diagnostic to initiate or validate a process of educational reform and school improvement. Experts needed to guide this process.
Lessons Learned Focus on Early Grades : Foundation for later learning; yet children faltering.. Sample based assessment and CCE are mutually supportive. Former provides health check of system; latter of individual. Institutional capacity needs to be strengthened for both. Survey results need to be shared with teachers, principals, administrators and also parents and community in simple language.
What capacities should be strengthened? Early learning: Need to consolidate learnings on how children engage with early reading and early maths. Tools: Standardized reading assessment tools in different languages. Questions/items: Questions for tapping higher order skills. Non academic areas: Assessment in non-academic areas. Survey designing: Designing and conducting timely and valid large scale surveys. Data management Use of data: Understanding, interpretation and dissemination of learning data findings. Technology as an enabler in Assessment: how do we use it?
Whose Capacities to be strengthened?
Suggested Activities POA for setting of specific and realistic stage wise not grade wise learning goals—(a) preschool; (b) grade 2 and © grade 5. Review Pre/School and Teacher education curricula from this perspective of goals, understanding of how children learn; contextual diversity; integration of CCE as part of teaching learning cycle. Time bound plan to review/develop a system of annual assessment of stage wise learning goals and its dissemination. Universities to offer certificate /diploma courses on Science of learning and Assessment. Action research based on a field lab concept.