December 5 th, 2011
President: Matthias Vice-President: Kush Patel Treasurer: Dennis Tran Secretary: Raphael Secretary: Natalie Public Relations: Izzy Dawes Webmaster: Mubasil Shamim “There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.” -Woodrow Wilson
Go there to: Check on events Sign up for future events Track your hours Submit hour requests Contact the board SUBMIT ALL HOURS ONLINE
Goal: 25 Recorded Hours of Service per Person How? Serve, then go to website and submit hours. Maximum of 5 outside hours TURN IN HOURS ONLINE
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE Notify board member in charge Be aware for what you are signing up Gather information actively Know date, time and location
Turn in money NOW In a Zip-Lock Bag First/Last Name on the bag Label Unicef/Key Club PUT IN MRS MOSS’ MAILBOX Board Member: Raphael Melke
TURN IN TODAY Sign up to bring in non-perishable food items or gift cards DO NOT BRING IN CASH $20 = 1 hour; 10 cans = 1 hour Due December 5 th Board Member: Matthias Heinz
WILL BE POSTPONED UNTIL JANUARY Sign up to make a bag 1 Bag = 2 Hours Bag Contents Coloring Books (with crayons or colored pencils) Toys Simple entertainment IN A NICE BAG Board Member: Matthias Heinz
Help elderly family with yard work Sign up to be part of group Group is called when help is needed Need 15 members Board Member: Natalie Hagy
December 10 th 9:00 am - 12:00 (noon) Avery Elementary Need 10 volunteers Will be helping with crafts Can share a shift with a friend Sign up at the table Board Member: Matthias Heinz
December 16 7pm and 17 11am, 2pm At the Historical Villiage at Weaver Park Accessible via Main St or Columbia St Need 24 volunteers Will be helping with crafts, drinks, entertaining the children, etc. Sign up at the table Board Member: Matthias Heinz
February 13th Run for no more than 2 positions Attend two of the four board meetings before elections (Jan 2nd, 16th, 30th, Feb 6th) Submit one powerpoint slide containing Name, Picture, Other Involvements, and a 25 word personal message (perhaps relating to your plan for Key Club) These slides will be standardized by Webmaster Mubasil Shamim, so basic formatting is recommended. NO NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNING WILL BE TOLERATED! Board Member: Matthias Heinz
Lt. Governor: Nabeel Alauddin
Kiwanis Advisor: Carol Parker
CLEAN-UP LIBRARY! Today: See Matthias in Room 202 to help with December Adopt-a-Family