Government Chapter 16 Political Parties
Development of Parties Political Party- Common interests, win elections to control government and policy One party systems- The party is the government. Authoritarian governments, come to power through force or theocracies, religion dominates.
Development of Parties Multiparty Systems- different beliefs or ideologies. Form a coalition government, several parties share power. Generally politically unstable. Two Party systems- About a dozen, minor parties can exist. Republicans and Democrats dominate elections in the U.S.
Growth of American Politics Federalists under Adams fade out. Jefferson elected, Democratic-Republicans. Jackson 1828, Democrats formed 1850’s the Republican party formed After the Civil War Republican and Democratic parties dominate.
Parties From 1860 to 1932 Republicans dominate to 1968 Democrats dominate. Third Parties- Any party other than the big two. Single-issue party- exclusively on one issue. Liberty and Free Soil Party Ideological party- cause a change in society
Parties Splinter party- breaks away from a major party. Teddy Roosevelt, Bull moose party. Impact of third parties- Promote new ideas, influence the outcome. American Independent Party, 13.5%, 1968 Ross Perot, 1992, independent candidate, 19%.
Obstacles for third parties Getting on the ballot in 50 States Single member districts- Select the most elected officials, only one wins Other countries use proportional system, several elected for a district. Easier to form many parties. Financing difficult.
Section 2: Party Organization Party Membership- Not mandatory for registration. The big two, Republicans and Democrats. No requirements for membership. Independents- Not affiliated with any party.
Party Organization Local Party Organization Precinct- The basic local voting district. Precinct Captains- Organize party workers. Ward- Adjoining precincts State Party Organization State Central Committee Party State Chairperson
Party Organization National Party Organization Two Functions- Run by the party national chairperson – 1. National Convention- Every Four years to nominate a presidential candidate. – 2. National Committee- To run the day to day business between elections.
Political party functions 1. Recruiting Candidates 2. Educating the Public 3. Operating the government. 4. Dispensing patronage- Favors to reward party loyalty. 5. The Loyal Opposition- Acting as “watchdog” 6. Reduction of Conflict
Unit 3: Nominating Candidates How candidates are selected – Caucuses- Private meetings of party leaders. Criticized as undemocratic. More open now. – Andrew Jackson- lost the election but argued against caucuses. Led to nominating conventions – Nominating Conventions- Official public meeting, later taken over by bosses. Led to Primaries.
How candidates are selected Primary Elections – Direct Primary- Party members nominate candidates for general election. Most used Closed primary- only members of the party can vote. Open primary- all voters may participate, must choose only on primary to vote in. Plurality in most states (the most votes) wins Runoff primary- second primary when majority is needed.
How candidates are selected Petition- Specified number of voters sign in order to be placed on the ballot. Party backed candidates have the advantage, party workers circulate petitions.
Presidential Nominations Candidates for President and Vice President is the party Ticket. History : 1800 to 1824, caucuses 1831 first national convention, the Anti- Masons. Adopted by the parties primaries take over. 1970’s more democratic, women and minorities included more.
Presidential primaries today Winner take all or proportional representation. Republicans allow states to use either. Democrats use Proportional representation, delegates represent candidates based on the popular vote.
Criticisms of Presidential Primaries Extended over too long a period. Image more important than issues. Early primary winners get the media spotlight. Regional primaries can eliminate candidates quickly. Conventions merely a rubber stamp.
The National Convention Preconvention Planning, choosing sites and dates Assembling the Convention, candidates try to win the support of uncommitted delegates. The Rules Committee, how will it be run The Credentials Committee, approve delegates
The National Convention The Committee of Permanent Organization, selects officials The Platform Committee, the parties statement of principles, beliefs, and positions Nominating Candidates, highlight of the convention Vice-Presidential nomination