Loggerhead Sea Turtle By : Rosemary
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Pictures
Loggerhead Sea Turtle’s Habitat and Range The loggerhead sea turtle lives in steeply, sloped, high energy beaches. The range of the loggerhead sea turtle is tropical oceans.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle’s Taxonomy The loggerhead sea turtle’s kingdom is Animalia, class Reptilia, Order Testudines, and family Cheloniidae.
Interesting Facts about The loggerhead The loggerhead sea turtle was named loggerhead because of it’s large head. Also it’s one of the most widespread of the marine turtles. The loggerhead’s jaws are so powerful that they can crack a queen conch and a giant clam.
Protective Measures Taken People are helping by donating to a program called the Turtle – Safe Shrimp Program to help save the loggerhead sea turtle.
Why the Loggerhead sea turtle is endangered The loggerhead sea turtle is endangered by drowning in shrimp trawls and habitat loss. Stop It !!!!!!!