Save the Sea Turtle L.S.E. 3 rd grade PBL presentation
UNIT SUMMARY Third grade students will study various aspects of the journey of the sea turtle from nest to ocean and consider how communities and individuals can impact both negatively and positively the life of this creature. The Pennies for the Planet project will be the lynch pin for this exploration because the barrier islands of North Carolina are one of their conservation areas. STEM as well as National Education Standards in science, mathematics, English and reading are addressed within the project.
Curriculum Framing Questions Essential Question: How can I impact the life of sea turtles? Unit Question: What can our community do for sea turtles? Content Question: How can I collect, analyze and display data about sea turtles?
Summative Assessments KWL3-2-1 Strategy Think-Pair-ShareWeb Quest Brainstorming Other activities/assessments include: timeline activity, geometric turtle activity, adaptations activity, temperature activity, turtle tracking, turtle identification
Formative Assessments Students will choose 2 assessments from several options, i.e.: Amazing Eco-Vacation Ad Book Jacket Summary Collaborative Tasks Preservation Poster Each project will be assessed using a task specific rubric
Common Core Standards Standard (RL. 3.1) – Students will construct and answer questions which explore the connection between the plight of sea turtles and their community in Eden, NC. Standard RL. 3.2 – Students will summarize Turtle Bay and adapt text scenarios to connect to local practices in environmental concerns. Standard RL. 3.9 – Students will compare and contrast various texts about sea turtles to each other and their own life. (text to text, text to self) Standard RL. 3.7 – Students will analyze and collaborate in order to use information gained from textual and technological sources in order to display data about sea turtles. Standard (3.MD.3) – Students will draw a scaled picture of a sea turtle baby and construct a sea turtle baby to display in a realistic diorama.
National Education Standards for Science, Mathematics, English Language Arts Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry – abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry and understanding about scientific inquiry Content Standard B: Life Science – students will understand the characteristics of organisms, life cycles of organisms, organisms and environment, structure and function in living systems, regulation and behavior, populations and ecosystems, diversity and adaptations of organisms, biological evolution, interdependence of organisms, behavior of organisms. Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science – Earth’s history Content Standard E: Science and Technology - understanding about science and technology Content Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives – Changes in environment, environmental quality, natural and human-induced hazards, science and technology in local, national, and global challenges Mathematics Standards Number and Operations: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. Understand meanings if operations and how they relate to one another. Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates Algebra: Understand patterns, relations and functions Geometry: Analyze characteristics and properties of two-and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships. Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other presentational systems. Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems
National Education Standards for Science, Mathematics, English Language Arts Measurement: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement. Apply appropriate techniques, tools and formulas to determine measurements. Data Analysis and Probability – Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them. Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data. Connections – Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics Representation – Use representations to model and interpret physical, social and mathematical phenomena English-Language Arts Standard 1: Read a wide range of print and non-print text to acquire new information. Standard 3: Apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate and appreciate text. Standard 5: Write and use different process elements. Standard 7: Conduct, research and gather, evaluate and synthesize data. Standard 8: Use a variety of technological and informational resources.
Differentiated Instruction Component There will be available, many options to maximize academic success for the students, across the curriculum. Each represented level will have authentic scholastic experiences in which to explore the connection between the plight of sea turtles and their world in Eden.
Assessment Timeline Time period: one six weeks As project begins, students work on projects and complete tasks… *K-W-L Chart *3-2-1 Strategy *Fun Facts about sea turtles After project work is completed….Amazing *Eco-Vacation Ad *Book Jacket Summary *Book Jacket Summary *Collaborative Tasks *Collaborative Tasks *Preservation Poster *Preservation Poster Each project will be assessed using a task specific rubric Each project will be assessed using a task specific rubric
E.S.L. Component A link from our webpage (LSE Third Graders “Saving Sea Turtles”) for Spanish speaking students and parents has been established.
Project Pictures Pictures of students working collaboratively
Reading and working on our “Save the Sea Turtles” Poster
Third Grade PBL Bulletin Board