“Fix-up” strategies how to fix-up your reading when you become confused
Monitoring your own reading, knowing when you are stuck, and then doing something to fix it makes you a successful reader
here are some signs of reading confusion... You can’t hear your “inside the head voice” talking to you. You can’t remember what you just read.
The video inside your head shuts off. You realize you have been thinking of something else.
Your questions should be answered as you read, but they are not. You read about a character or event, and you have no idea where it came from. There are boldface words that you don’t understand.
Here are some ways to get yourself “unstuck”... Identify what is unclear or confusing.
Go back to where you were not confused and reread.
Scan ahead to see if this clears up your confusion.
Reread the title, heading, pictures, and diagrams.
Slow down or read line by line or word by word.
Ask yourself a question and then read to answer it.
using fix-up strategies will become more automatic with practice and make you a stronger reader