By: Kavia and Erin
1) When you are really into a book, you recognize when you get to a part you don’t understand. 2) It’s the reader’s job to know when the text makes sense and when it doesn’t. 3) Good readers stop when there’s a comprehension breakdown, figure out what the problem is and how they can fix it.
RReading ahead RRaising new questions DDrawing inferences MMaking predictions FFiguring out unknown words SSeeking help from an outside source SStopping to think CConnecting the reader to background knowledge TTrying to get a mental image LLooking at sentence structure IInspecting pictures and other text features RReading the author’s note WWriting about the confusing parts CConsciously thinking about the text’s message DDefining the purpose for why we’re reading in the first place
GGood readers realize that they sometimes may not be understanding what they are reading. They use a variety of “Fix-Up” strategies to make sure they comprehend what they are reading.
TTracking their thinking through coding, writing, or discussion NNoticing when they lost focus SStopping and going back to clarify thinking RRereading to enhance understanding RReading ahead to clarify thinking IIdentifying what is confusing in the text MMatching the problem with the strategy that will best help solve it.
You should apply “Fix-Up” strategies when you get stuck on a word. You should know how to use “Fix-Up” strategies when you get confused.
TThe Metacognative strategies booklet, Using “Fix-Up” strategies chapter It was a great help. It told us everything!! The Metacognative strategies booklet is great!!!
Now it’s time to see what you know! You may use your notes to help solve your answers.