Fix-up Strategies What do strong readers do when they read?
While Reading Stop to REREAD Stop to ADJUST RATE Stop to use VOCABULARY FIXES Practice Fix-up Strategies
Determining Importance (What is a good observation?) Words/ideas that are repeated Cause/effect Compare/contrast Beliefs/opinions Bold words/Italics Headings
O/I Chart Observation (+ you) =Inference Words/ideas that are repeated Cause/effect Compare/contrast Beliefs/opinions Bold words/Italics Headings Deeper meaning about the text A drive toward the author’s purpose
Retell What You’ve Read Summarize the main idea in twenty words (get the gist) Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?
Ask a Question Who are the main characters? Where does the story take place? When does the story take place? What does the title mean? Why would the character do that? How did that event happen?
Make a Prediction Observation (+ you) =Prediction Words/ideas that are repeated Cause/effect Compare/contrast Beliefs/opinions Bold words/Italics Headings What will happen as a result of that event? A drive toward the author’s purpose
Stop and Think About What You Have Already Read Stop reading Put the text down Think about all the events and details Think about the characters Think about the setting Think about the problems
Make a Connection Does it remind you of a story with a similar plot? What personal experiences have you had that are similar? Is it organized like something you’ve read before? What information do you know about this subject? Is the style similar to another author’s style?
Adjust Your Reading Rate Material is difficult to understand: Slow speed Material is average in difficulty: Regular speed Material is easy/familiar in difficulty: Quick speed Don’t read everything fast. Change speeds whenever necessary.
Visualize Think in pictures Create a mental movie What do the characters look like? What people do I know that look similar? What does the setting look like? What places have I seen that look similar?
Notice Patterns in Text Structure (five main types of text structure) Sequence Steps. Specific Order Problem/Sol ution Problem Event Solution Compare/Con trast Comparing how things are the same or different Cause and Effect Something causes something else to happen Description Details
Four Text Types Narrative Entertains Tells a story Character(s), setting, problem, resolution Expository Facts/inform ation Text features (headings, bold words, charts, graphs, captions Persuasive Author tries to convince reader to take a certain opinion or perform a certain action Technical Information to perform a task Steps
Reread Stop when you don’t understand something Read the last phrase again Read the last sentence Read the last paragraph Start over with fresh eyes
Use Print Conventions Pay close attention when you see these things; the author thinks there is something important. Bold words Words in italics Capital letters Punctuation marks Key words
Reflect in Writing Take notes over what you read. Journal to summarize (determine importance). What were the key ideas or events? What emotions occurred? What connections do you have? Reflect on the deeper meaning.
Vocabulary Fixes Dont Know A Word? What should you do? 1. Look at the pictures. 2. Try to sound out the word. 3. Look at the beginning letters. 4. Look at the ending letters. 5. Look for a smaller word in the word. 6. Skip the word and read the sentence to the end. 7. Try to guess! What word makes sense? Does your guess look like the word you see? 8. Use the words around it. 9. Go back and re-read. Does it sound right? 10.Put another word in its place. 11. Ask a friend or an adult. 12.Look in the dictionary.
Vocabulary Fixes Prefixes (beginning of words) un-, dis- (opposite of) re- (again) in-, im-, ir-, il-, non- (not) en-, em- (cause to) under- (too little) in-, im- (in or into)
Vocabulary Fixes Suffixes (endings of words) -s (plural) -ed (past tense) -ing (present tense) -ly (characteristic of) -er, -or (person) -ion, -tion (act, process) -ible, -able (can be done)