2011 / 2012 Annual Meeting June 24 th, 2012
Agenda Welcome Approval of Minutes Mission Statement Addition of YMA Position Budget Mission Distributions Nomination Slate for 2012 / 2013
Mission Statement “St. Peter’s strives to be a welcoming community, sharing God’s love with the world and finding the Spirit in life.”
YMA Position Responsibilities would include but are not limited to: Ensure all children and youth events & programs are publicized, organized and staffed. Provide organizational support to event coordinators. Maintain Youth Ministry Calendar, event and trip registration forms, youth directory, newsletters, databases and web site. Develop, coordinate and conduct teacher and volunteer training programs. Be a warm, friendly, and welcoming presence to all youth and their families. Comply annually with all requirements of the St. Peter’s Safe Church policies, associated paperwork and background checks. Provide staff presence to all youth special events (retreats, lock-ins, seasonal events, and summer trips).
Balancing the Budget
Missionable Budget
Benevolence Elections 10% tithe to be allocated as follows 4% OCWM – National 3% OCWM – Conference 2% Chicago United Eden 1% OCWM St. Peter’s Local UCC Support Fund 0% Christian Theological Seminary
Mission Distributions Mission Gift IHN $ 4,000 Washington UCC $ 4,000 Rural Health $ 4,000 Merom $ 4,000 Crossroad $ 1,000 Brooklawn $ 1,000 Brooke’s Place $ 1,000 Emmaus $ 1,000 Total Distribution $20,000
Mission Thank Yous! “we are honored to accept this ‘surprise’ gift of $1000. The funds you provide will help underwrite the cost of Emmaus’s Senior and Adult Services Program.” - Emmaus Homes “please accept our heartfelt thanks … we plan to use your gift towards the purchase of school uniforms, offsetting the $10,000 Brooklawn spends on uniforms annually.” - Brooklawn Child and Family Services “This news came at a most opportune time! We would like to divide the money up into two projects: 1.) Camp Community Café … to buy lunchmeat and fresh fruit 2.) Church Repairs … repairing the covering over our former bell tower … and other smaller repairs - Washington UCC
Mission Thank Yous! “We would like to use a gift from the church for an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) … We currently do not have any on our campus … All of our staff have been trained on use of the AEDs …” - Crossroad “I am overwhelmed to hear that St. Peter’s has selected Merom as a grant recipient. … our stairwells are in need of plaster repairs … received the plaster bid … and was stunned to open your about your congregation’s grant opportunity. I am grateful for Merom being recognized as a meaningful place to St. Peter’s.” - Merom Conference Center
Nominations Slate Governance Council PresidentScott Ames Vice President Jon Kroehler* SecretaryMartha Pauley* TreasurerPaul Whittaker GenerosityJim Brothers* Ministry Council EducationAmber Stormer* Hospitality* MissionsEmily Gantt MusicMike Wicker Spiritual LifeTerry Daniel PreschoolLori Radford Finance & Operations Council Financial SecTom Kirk Financial Sec- Elect Cheryl Hinton* Buildings & Grounds Chris Stormer* Staff SupportMike Hinton TechnologyDennis Hays Support and Delegates Senior Pastor Support Diane Heavin* Assoc Pastor Support Ken Cook* Association Delegate Carole Blocher* Conference Delegate Karen Hays * Nominees requiring approval