Selected Preliminary Results of the WIYN Survey Survey designed based on UW-Madison strategic planning. Adjusted for WIYN by Eileen Friel (Indiana) Analysis: Eric Hooper & Michelle Wojtaszek (UW-Madison) February 28, 2013
Brief Overview of the Survey Responses from Wisconsin, Indiana, NOAO, and national users of WIYN. Yale is conducting their own. 27 responses: 8 (UW); 11 (IU); 8 (other). 27 responses: 10 (faculty); 4 (scientists); 4 (postdoc); 8 (grad student); 1 (unknown). Three sections: name & demographics; plans over the next two years; future directions (5 years). Mix of numeric and free response questions. For numeric responses, the higher values are more superlative (more important, greater, etc.)
Summary of Selected Questions Importance of the various instruments. Importance of 0.9-meter. Operational modes; concerns; recommendations; positive qualities of the telescope / operation. Near term (2 years) Longer term (5 years) Types of observing and wavelength. Spectral resolution (optical and infrared). Observing facilities; new WIYN partners; large surveys; joint observing; WIYN general or special purpose.
Near Term: Question 1 (Instrument Importance)
Near Term: Question 3 (0.9-meter Importance)
Longer Term: Question 9a (observing modes)
Longer Term: Question 9b (observing type)
Longer Term: Question 10 (wavelength)
Longer Term: Question 11 (resolution)
Short Response: Q. 5 (concerns) Queue based observing program would be useful for time domain studies. WHIRC throughput issue. Broken fibers on Hydra. Reduce K band introduced by WTTM if feasible. Integrate new IFUs that utilize WIYN's superior image quality. Support for grating structure changes during night/run.
Short Response: Q. 6 (instr. / telescope) More funding/scholarships for students to visit Kitt Peak in person. Complete ODI (also: give up on local OTA model). Pipeline for WHIRC reduction. Endorse the current work of Kotulla to improve imaging data reduction software. Investigate adding 1-2 more CCDs (plus optics) so Hydra users can simultaneously obtain 2-3 orders. Would make WIYN-Hydra more competitive. Long-slit spectrograph.
Short Response: Q. 7 (observing modes) Schedule WIYN as one entity across all partners. Allocate time as is now done, but schedule as one. WIYN could be an important platform for follow-up and/or initiating deeper surveys or surveys in other near-IR bands (notably J and K). Similarly, interesting objects found by APOGEE could be followed up in the optical with either Hydra or a separate very high-resolution spectrograph. For remote observing-a service mode for pODI/ODI.
Short Response: Q. 8 (WIYN likes) Excellent staff (cited multiple times!). Learning opportunities/convenient location. Gain in valuable observing skills. Efficient and highly productive. Broad range of instrument capabilities. Remote observing is convenient and saves travel costs. Image quality over a wide field.
Short Response: Q. 16 (specialize / general ) Specialize / keep general (both responses). An optimal mix of a few workhorse instruments and 1 or 2 with unique capabilities. Overspecialization / compartmentalization can impede progress-a breadth of knowledge can → new connections; might otherwise go unobserved. Focus on major projects (but some small projects). Limiting capabilities will not serve diverse needs of many WIYN users. Encourages smaller-scale instrument programs; useful for training next gen. of instrument builders.
End of Main Presentation