William Bennett Born in Brooklyn, NY in Received an Undergraduate Degree at Williams College. Earned Ph.D. in Political Philosophy at the Univ. of TX and J.D. from Harvard. Biography Secretary of Education from 1985 to 1988.
William Bennett Head of the National Endowment for the Humanities from 1981 to Author of 16 books including The Book of Virtues. Essentialism: The Three C’s: Character, Content and Choice. Contributions
William Bennett Championed school curriculum specific in Math, English, Science, and History Tirelessly supported vigorous debate in favor of educational vouchers Helped bring idea of technology in the classroom to the national stage Contributions
Nel Noddings Biography Born in Irvington, NJ in Master’s Degree in Mathematics from Rutgers University. Ph.D. in Education from Stanford. 10 children and married for over 60 years.
Nel Noddings Contributions Recipient of Excellence in Teaching Award in 1981, 1982, and years as K-12 math teacher and school administrator. Author of ~13 books and 200 articles. Key components of the care perspective of education: Modeling, Dialogue, Practice and Confirmation.
Nel Noddings Contributions Past president of the Philosophy of Education Society and the John Dewey Society. Academic in the fields of philosophy of moral education and ethics of care. Former associate dean and current Professor Emeritus of the Stanford School of Education.
Bennett and Noddings Bennett Essentialism Core Subjects National Standardized Tests Noddings Progressivism Quality Electives Less Standardized Tests Similarities Character Education School Choice Differences Group 3705 Summer 10 Erin Axtell, Lynne Fossey, Sheri Klein, Tami Michaels, Mike Stover