Brandywine YMCA 2012 Strong Kids Campaign Staff Training
2 What is YOUR “Y” story? Think about your experience with the YMCA How has the Y enhanced your life? What role do Y programs play in your life? What is the impact of the Y on your family? Did your own child learn to swim at the Y? Did your children participate in camp?
3 Mission Moment: Why does the YMCA exist? The YMCA is an association of people of all ages, ethnic groups, and religious affiliations that strives to cultivate the human potential, self-esteem, and dignity of all people. Our organization exists to develop and practice the Christian principles of love, caring, inclusiveness, justice and peace…and to enrich the emotional, physical, and social life of all individuals, families, and our community.
4 Who does the Brandywine branch serve? Residents of the Brandywine Hundred, including: Over 8,000 membership units Over 20,000 people served On average 1,700 people walk through our doors each day
5 What are the needs of our community? The Brandywine YMCA commits to the community to never turn anyone away due to their inability to pay for programs or services In 2011, we helped over 2000 kids and families through our Strong Kids program to provide assistance with membership and programs We provided over $500,000 in financial assistance to families and children in our community, including: $250,000 in child care, camp and other programs $250,000 in membership assistance
6 How does the Y determine financial need? People seeking aid complete an Open Doors application The YMCA determines need based on the following: Income (the YMCA uses federal and state income guidelines) Size of the family Special needs that may exist Most families pay a part of their membership and program fee
Structure of the Campaign 7
8 Structure of the Campaign: Staff Division Staff Division Leader - Liz Rothwell Terri Edgar Karate Staff Julie Nichols Child Care Campaigners Child Care Staff Oriole O’Neill Informal Ed Campaigner Informal Ed Staff Membership Campaigners Membership Staff Graney Wellness Center Campaigners Wellness Staff Ann Morken Group Wellness Campaigners Group Wellness Staff Ivy Sheehan Swim Team Camp Staff Mike Coleman Youth Sports Staff
Staff Goals and Giving Levels 2012 Staff Giving Goal: $26,000 Last Year: $22,806 Campaign Benchmark: “Full and Part-Time Staff support the campaign through their own personal giving.” Bronze Level: 60% of staff make a personal gift Silver Level: 75% of staff make a personal gift Gold Level: 90% of staff make a personal gift We are currently at 66% for Our goal for 2012 is 75%.
Responsibilities of the Team Members 10
11 Campaigner Responsibilities Consider making a gift to the Strong Kids Campaign Ask 10 other YMCA staff members to consider a gift to the Strong Kids Campaign Maintain contact with your team leader each week during the campaign Turn in pledge cards into Strong Kids Campaign Mailbox. Have fun!!
The Art of the Ask 12
13 Who do I ask? Coworkers Supervisors Other YMCA Staff Discussion of list of donors
14 How do I ask? Tell your YMCA story and ask others about theirs What does the Y mean to you? Why? Tools to help in asking Strong Kids T-shirts for gifts $25 and over Names on the Wall “I want to see your name next to mine.” Program support “With your help, we can send an additional child to attend summer camp or after school care or swimming lessons, or…”
15 How much should I ask for? Consider asking new donors for $50 This gift costs the donor less than $2 per pay. Staff may give every pay period, in a one time contribution, or over a series of pay periods. For existing donors, try to ask for more than what they have given before. For example, if someone gave $50 in 2011, try asking them for $100. Explanation of Pledge Card
16 What do your contributions support? $50 will help begin to teach a child life-saving swim lessons $75 will help engage a child in YMCA youth sports $100 will help provide one session of summer camp $150 will help provide a senior citizen an opportunity to participate with others and engage in social activity at the YMCA $250 will help improve the health and wellness of a family $500 will help teach our teens critical "developmental assets" $1000 President's Circle. Membership to the President's Circle is open to all donors who contribute $1000 or more annually.
17 So, I’ve thought about my story and prospective donors…now what? October 4 th Staff Campaigner trainings Staff Campaigner Packets available at Staff Campaigner trainings October 5 th – November 11 th 2012 Staff Campaign in full swing Sunday, October 23 rd Special Event to ask the Youth Sports Staff for pledges Friday, November 11 th Last Day for staff to turn in staff pledge cards December 6 th Phonathon Night