Hand Washing By: Denotra Batts Student Health force
Bacteria Hands are the part of the body that are most exposed to bacteria because they touch many things. Bacteria are sometimes called GERMS Bacteria spreads when he/she touches food that they eat. Hot soapy water prevents bacteria from spreading from hand to food. Not all bacteria doesn’t make you sick some bacteria is needed to make our body healthy.
Washing Your hands It is especially important to wash your hand before Before, during and after prepare food. Before you eat. After you use the bathroom, and change diapers After handling animals or animal waste. After you touch a cut, open sore or pimple. When you have dirt on your hands. When someone in your home or in school is sick. 91% of adults say they always wash there hands after using public restrooms, however only 83% only do so.
What is the Correct way to wash your hands? First, wet your hands with running water and apply soap Using running water is more effective than using water in a bowl. Rub your hand vigorously together and scrub the surface of your hand. Remember to scrub your fingertips and your fingernails. Scrub your hands for 20 seconds. Rinse with clean water.
Dry Your Hands Dry your hands with a clean towel. Paper towels are the best. Cloth towels used by other people can obtain bacteria that can make your hands dirty again. Remember when you use the paper towel throw the paper towel away.
Practice Healthy Habits Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing to prevent from others getting sick. If you don’t have a tissue use your sleeve. Stay home when your are sick. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of water, and eat nutritious food.