Front-end boards tests G. Auriemma, D. Fidanza G. Pirozzi( $ ) & C. Satriano ( $ ) Present address: European Patent Office, Branch at The Hague, Patentlaan 2, NL-2288 EE Rijswijk
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma2 Summary ASDQ++ production Test of CARIOCA9 boards Test of prototype CARDIAC board Test on chamber at CERN (with Walter and Werner) SPB production
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma3 ASDQ++ Production 50 boards produced for the CR test stand of Rome II During the test was found a mistake done during soldering (a reel of SMD resistor with wrong value has been loaded). The boards are now back in SELETA for intervention. We expect no further problems, because after the substitution of the two resistor the response of one of the boards was OK (see next slide) 40 boards are in production now for Rome II
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma4 Test stand Pulser DAC 32 ch VME scalers LabView software
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma5 The injector card
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma6 Calibration system schematics Not implemented yet
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma7 ASDQ board #1091 (fixed) Cdet=0
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma8 Previous production statistics
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma9 Test of CARIOCA9 boards Two boards with one CARIOCA9 each produced at CERN (one positive, one negative), sent by Werner, have been tested for comparison. It turns out to have been a useful exercise to tune the chain for the specific CARIOCA parameters We obtained reasonable results for the negative board (see next slide) We are still trying to understand why the positive board gives puzzling results.
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma10 CARIOCA9 Negative board Cdet=0 (Bias subtracted)
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma11 Test of the prototype CARDIAC board The test system in Potenza has been modified with the insertion of a Service Board for the control of the DIALOG A new LabView code has been written, suitable for testing CARDIAC Main modification is scanning in injected charge at constant threshold, because DIALOG DAC has 10 mV resolution A prototype Cardiac has been tested with good preliminary results
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma12 Service Board in the chain Provided by Rome I To be done
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma13 Test on the CERN MWPC (with Walter and Werner) Four Cardiac boards have been applied to a chamber at CERN and connected with the Service Board in order to test the compatibility Counting rates with an Am source on wires and pads have been measured
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma14 Test setup
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma15 Results All the four DIALOG’s on the boards gave correct feedbacks to the Service Board Two of the CARDIAC boards could not be used due to problems of one of the two CARIOCA’s in each (pin unsoldered, analog signal not correct, no LVDS output from the CARIOCA) Two CARDIAC boards functioned properly either alone or daisy chained in the I 2 C bus Irradiated with the X-ray source the OR of the two gaps gave a rate equal to the sum of the rate of each gaps, both on wires and pads (no interference or couplings) The threshold for noise counting rate <100 Hz was the same on wires and pads, corresponding to 20 mV (7fC) as for the CARIOCA9 boards on the same chamber. We think that this test has been completely satisfactory.
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma16 Plans Embed the C++ code into the LabView VI Prepare a new injector for up to 4 CARDIAC boards Insert TDC in the chain Develop the SW for CARDIAC self-test, using the facilities of DIALOG (pulser, scaler, etc) (PVSS ?)
Feb 12, 2004G. Auriemma17 SPB production New layout received from LNF 19/01/ PCB pre-series in production at CMT 10 SPB will be produced and tested in two weeks 120 could be ready next month We will be ready to start 10% production well before July 2004