Impact of rainstorm-triggered landslides on high turbidity in a mountain reservoir Impact of rainstorm-triggered landslides on high turbidity in a mountain reservoir Lin, G. W., Chen, H., Petley, D. N., Horng, M. J., Wu, S. J., Chuang, B., Impact of rainstorm-triggered landslides on high turbidity in a mountain reservoir. Engineering Geology. 報告人 : 黃璿宇 俞佳成 報告日期 : 101/11/23
Introduction Study area Typhoon track and events Study method Rseult Discussion Conclusion Outline 1
Introduction Landslide is the key influence on sediment delivery in upland river catchments, which controls both amount and characteristics of sediment released. (Al- Sheriadeh et al., 2000; Korup et al., 2004; Johnson et al., 2008) Landslide is also increasingly considered as a primary factor dominating the turbidity of rivers and reservoirs. (Jordan, 2006; Sobieszczyk et al., 2007) 2
Introduction Several studies indicate that much of the sediment produced in upper basins often does not immediately migrate downstream but is instead deposited in the riverbed, resulting in channel aggradation. (Kasai et al., 2004; Koi et al., 2008) 3
Geographical Study area – Geographical Shihmen Reservoir Finishes the month July 1964 Position 24.81°N, °E effective storage capacity 309×10 6 m 3 average annual precipitation 2556 mm slope gradient 83% 30° to 50° Flow direction southeast to northwest Fig 1. Geographical. 6
Geological Study area - Geological Fig 3. Distribution of the rock formations in the Shihmen Reservoir catchment. PERIODEPOCHFormation Tertiary MioceneAoti Formation (At) Oligocene Tatungshan Formation (Tt) Gangou Formation (Gg) Szeleng Sandstone Formation (Ss) Table 1. Formation 7
Typhoon Track Fig 4. The location of Shihmen Reservoir catchment within Taiwan and the tracks of typhoons. Table 2-1. Statistics of each typhoon event. TyphoonNelsonHerbNariAereMatsa Year Date8/21-247/29-8/19/13-198/23-268/3-5 Duration of measurements (hour) Accumulated rainfall (mm) Maximum daily rainfall (mm) Average water discharge (m 3 s -1 )
Table 2-2. Statistics of each typhoon event. Typhoo n Average water discharge (m 3 s -1 ) Peak water discharge (m 3 s -1 ) Reservoir sediment discharge (10 6 m 3 ) Nelson Herb Nari Aere Matsa Typhoon events 9
Fig 5. Sediment deposition (tonne), Annual precipitation (mm) and accumulated rainfall during typhoon (mm) during 1963~
Typhoon events Fig 6. Sediment deposition (tonne), Annual precipitation (mm) and accumulated rainfall during typhoon (mm) during 1963~2005. Sediment deposition (tonne) 11
Study method To study the relationship between water turbidity and the landslide debris of the Shihmen Reservoir. To reconstruct the process and impact of forming high turbidity water in the reservoir area. 12
Study method Statistics of Typhoon Suspended Sediment Discharge Turbidity The relationship between turbidity and landslides. 13
Term descriptions 14
Table 2-3. Statistics of each typhoon event. TyphoonNelsonHerbNariAereMatsa Landslide area (km 2 ) Landslide ratio (%) New generation ratio (%) Reactivated ratio (%) Landslide volume (10 6 m 3 )
Suspended sediment discharge Turbidity Nephelometer DH-48 depth integrating suspended sediment sampler 16
Table 2-4. Statistics of each typhoon event. TyphoonNelsonHerbNariAereMatsa Accumulated rainfall (mm) Maximum daily rainfall (mm) Peak water discharge (m 3 s -1 ) Total sediment discharge (10 6 tonne) Results analysis 17
Results analysis Fig 7. Higher water discharge could drive more landslide debris. Vertical bars indicate the standard error. Table 2-5. Statistics of each typhoon event. TyphoonNelsonHerbMatsa Peak water discharge(m 3 s -1 ) Landslide volume (10 6 m 3 ) Total sediment discharge (10 6 tonne)
Results analysis Fig 8. Sediment concentration had a positive relation with the water turbidity. Dashed lines indicate the 95% confidence limits. 19
Discussion Fig 9. The diagram displays the hyperpycnal flow in the Shihmen Reservoir. 20
Conclusion High landslide ratios do not correspond to high sediment discharge because sediment discharge is still dominated by water discharge and landslide debris possibly still stay on slopes. Factors causing high turbidity in the reservoir water were (1) landslides and surface weathering in the upstream catchment; (2) the high density hyperpycnal flow between upstream channel and the reservoir bottom. 21
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