Kelly The Red Haired Girl By :Suzanne Patterson
There once was a girl named Kelly, who loved going to school to learn new things. One day she was looking around in her Third grade class room and noticed that she was the only child with red hair.
A few days after playing on the playground, a boy started teasing her about her hair color. Calling her names like a “leprechaun” and “weirdo”
She went home that day and went to bed feeling sad She went home that day and went to bed feeling sad. She was afraid of going back to school and getting made fun of so she talked to her mom the next morning and asked how she can change her hair color.
Her mom replied, “Why do you want to do such a silly thing” Her mom replied, “Why do you want to do such a silly thing”? “Well I was looking in my classroom and no one else has red hair like I do, mom” Said Kelly. “It’s a good thing to stand out Kelly, you should be proud that you are unique and that you have red hair.” Said her mom.
Later that day when she was walking home from school Kelly heard some kids behind her laughing, and calling her mean names. She ignored them, but knew that she would always look different because of her hair color. That same night her mom came into her room and heard Kelly crying. “What’s the matter sweetie?” asked her mom. “Mom everyone at school is calling me names and making fun of my hair color.” said Kelly.
As her mom listened to her, she explained to Kelly that everyone is different in many ways and children will be mean for no reason, but you shouldn’t listen to them because no matter what they say, you know that you’re my special girl and nothing can change that not even your red hair!
After having that talk with her mom, Kelly went to school and stood up to the bullies and said “So what If I have red hair I am unique and that is all that matters.” As she told everyone that being unique is a good thing, the other kids looked at each other and noticed that everyone was different in their own ways too.
The next day Kelly’s teacher had a lesson about diversity and taught them the same thing Kelly told them yesterday on the playground. From then on Kelly was never teased about her hair color.