Characters & Characterization
What makes a good character? In your notebook, describe your favorite character. Be as specific as possible.
A good character is often: Dynamic Three-Dimensional Realistic
A dynamic, three-dimensional, realistic character has: Interests Motivations Aspirations Strengths Weaknesses Fears Relationships Psychology And so much more…
Fears, Desires, Psychology, Spirituality, Purpose Strengths, Weaknesses Motivations, Inspirations Occupation, Hobbies, Residence, Family, Friends Beliefs, Attitudes, Demeanor, Goals, Aspirations, Relationships
Name of character: Character’s nickname: Date & location of birth: Date & location of current life (at story’s setting): Date & location of death: Ethnicity, body shape, eye color, hair color, skin color: Favorite food: Style clothing: Notable previous locations lived: Description of home and neighborhood: Occupation/job and character’s opinion of such: Interests & activities (i.e. pastimes, hobbies, sports, arts): Name and brief description of relationship to notable family members, significant others, roommates or pets: Name and brief description of relationship to notable friends or acquaintances: Name and brief description of relationship to notable enemies (including “frenemys”): Brief description of major formative event of character’s past: Brief description of character’s demeanor/personality: How would this character’s closest friend describe him/her? Character’s greatest strengths: Character’s greatest weaknesses and fears: Character’s main motivating beliefs (i.e. religion, spirituality, philosophy, ethics, inspirations): Character’s main objective in life (i.e. dreams, goals, purpose): Potential means of achieving this objective: Potential conflicts that might be encountered while achieving this objective:
Character as narrator Examples?
Narrative Mode (Types of Narration) 1 st Person 2 nd Person 3 rd Person Past Present Future
POV (Types of Narrators) Reliable vs. Unreliable Omniscient vs. Limited Knowledge Present vs. Past
Holden Caulfield (The Catcher in the Rye) Reliable or unreliable?
Esperanza (The House on Mango Street) Reliable or unreliable?
Of Mice and Men Limited or omniscient?
Julius Caesar Narrative Mode? Limiter or omniscient?
Scout Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) Past or present?