What is a trademark? ™
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination thereof, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others The Nike swoosh is a trademark and so is “Just Do It” We can distinguish between Nike and New Balance because of their trademarks
You must file a trademark application with the US Trademark & Patent Office to receive protection Once you apply, you can use the little TM next to it so that others know they cannot use it without your permission. You can use the ® once your application is approved What other trademarks can you think of?
Which of the following is not a registered trademark? Kleenex Thermos Escalator Xerox
What year was the first trademark issued? 1646 for a mill manufacturer Since then, how many trademarks have been issued? 1.4 million
The “Golden Arches” are a ______________ If you sell a product with the on it, you need to obtain permission via a _______________ Licensing is the legal method of using intellectual property that doesn’t belong to you.