Stores the OS/data currently in use and software currently in use Memory Unit 21
Data is processed instantly. System responds instantly to changes in input Real Time Operating System 14
the user communicates with the computer in a human conversation type way Natural Language Interface 15
Stores the data being transferred to or from memory Memory Data Register 13
allows one user at a time to use the system. It allocates each user with rights and keeps the user files separate Single User Operating System 6
Route reserved before transmission. Establishes a route along which to send data. Data sent down this route in its entirety. Can tie up large areas of network. Circuit Switching 28
Identification about where the data is being sent/coming from Address Bus 111
network covering a single building or site LANLAN 5
Multiple bits transmitted at a time down many wires. Parallel Transmission 2
A set of rules that governs communication between devices ProtocolProtocol 18
Input device that detects physical quantities SensorSensor 12
That number is looked up on a database. If number is not on database then it must have been incorrectly inputted. Existence Check 8
Characters shapes are scanned and these shapes are turned into text Optical Character Recognition 9
Data is put onto long term storage and kept offline so that it can be referred to if necessary. Data is still available without taking up space on working storage. ArchiveArchive 33
Controls fetch/execute cycle. Manages execution of instructions by using control signals to other parts of computer. Synchronises actions (using inbuilt clock). Control Unit 16
Stores results of calculations performed AccumulatorAccumulator 25
Contains startup program. Cannot be changed RomRom 7
Communication in both directions simultaneously DuplexDuplex 17
Stores the address of the next instruction and controls the sequence in which the instructions are executed. Program Counter 22
hardware that is used to put data into a computer Input Device 1
A digit on the end of a string of numbers that has been calculated based on an algorithm performed on the string of numbers. Check Digit 24
Stores the instruction currently being executed Current Instruction Register 30
hardware to display information from a computer Output Device 10
One bit transmitted at a time down a single wire Serial Transmission 34
copy of a file and its structure on a portable medium kept away from originals so that if the original is corrupted it can be replaced. Important files needs be protected from deliberate or accidental data loss. BackupBackup 19
Send control signals from control unit to other parts of the processor Control Bus 27
Connects LAN to a WAN RouterRouter 23
Acts as a gateway to processor. Arithmetic Logic Unit 3
Communication in one direction only SimplexSimplex 20
Peripheral that allows storage of data over a long period of time Secondary Storage Device 4
Communication in both directions but one at a time Half Duplex 26
Checking input data with original data to ensure there have been no input errors VerificationVerification 29
Transmit data between areas of the processor Data Bus 31
Ensures data meets certain rules. These are programmed in the software. ValidationValidation 32