Curriculum Development A commitment to continuous improvement… Students and Learning It’s a people business… and it centers on…
A coherent curriculum includes: Curriculum Review Cycle Focus: Reading, Writing, Social Studies Curriculum Mapping Data driven decision making Professional Development Ensure best practice based on research In house experts Regional conferences
5 Phases: I: Research / Study best practices, programs, models best practices, programs, models II: Decide Alignment; review standards and benchmarks, textbook adoption Alignment; review standards and benchmarks, textbook adoption III: Develop Rubicon, UbD, PD Rubicon, UbD, PD Curriculum Review Cycle (CRC)
IV: Implement Cross-curricular skills, vocabulary lists, collaboratively evaluate and refine unit plans Cross-curricular skills, vocabulary lists, collaboratively evaluate and refine unit plans V. Monitor / Evaluate Collect and analyze student work Collect and analyze student work Determine exemplary samples of student work Determine exemplary samples of student work Evaluate and compare internal and external data Evaluate and compare internal and external data
Ongoing annually for all… Utilizing Rubicon for yearly mapping, unit planning, and data analysis Adjustment of standards and benchmarks as needed
CRC 2005 (January – December) Social Studies: Phases I and II (for review and adoption) All subject areas: Phases II (Subject Philosophies and ESLRs) Phases II (Subject Philosophies and ESLRs) and III (Rubicon, UbD)
All Home Groups – Continued with Phase III of CRC Rubicon, UbD, essential questions and assessments. Autumn, 2005
Phases I and II Research – Study – Decide Review current standards and benchmarks; revise as necessary; review sample texts; propose adoption Science 2006
Other World Languages / ESOL Continue with Phase III (develop) and begin to review program to determine priorities for Phases I and II adoption work in the year Consider standards and benchmarks presently in the system. Any revisions needed? 2006
Fine Arts /P.E. / Health Continue with Phase III (develop) and begin Phase I – (study and research) -- determine priorities for full review and adoption in Refine unit plans; connect assessments to standards and benchmarks; note skills and processes used for units; attach detailed lessons when possible that note differentiation and instructional techniques. 2006
Phase III Fully develop program in Rubicon Refine unit plans; connect assessments to standards and benchmarks; note skills and processes used for units; attach detailed lessons when possible that note differentiation and instructional techniques. Seek appropriate PD opportunities to aid in program development 2006 Social Studies
2006 Phases III and IV Develop and Implement program as described in self- study, collaboratively evaluate and refine unit plans from Phase III. Focus on integrating cross-curricular skills (e.g. tech, writing, research) at each school level – develop common assessment language and/or tools; build grade level vocabulary lists. Math and Language Arts: