BLUE STRIKE Recapturing Lapsed Donors The 10-Day Blitz Working Group Fall 2015
WELCOME The 10-day blitz working group will implement level 2 of the reinstatement strategies (see slide 5) Participation in the working group is open to any development professional willing to implement the strategy and share his or her experience and final results. The group will meet online and by conference call for approximately six weeks starting in late September. Blue Strike Working Group - Recapturing Lost Donors Fall 2015 2
RE-INSTATEMENT STRATEGIES FOR LAPSED DONORS Blue Strike Working Group - Recapturing Lost Donors Fall 2015 3
Level 1: The absolute minimum Send a lapsed letter as soon as the fiscal year closes and you know who has fallen off. Do not send a special appeal or additional program info. Just a one-page letter that says “your membership has expired” or “the date of your last gift was [date of last gift] and amount” with a request for renewed support and a deadline. Include language that says, “if we somehow missed your gift, please contact us so we can update our records.” Blue Strike Working Group - Recapturing Lost Donors Fall 2015 4
Level 2: The 10-day blitz Send a personal , mail a statement-style letter and make a personal phone call - all at the same time. This all-at-once approach is designed to cut through the noise, to get their attention. Make sure your contacts reference one another. Set aside a week to 10 days as a reinstatement campaign and enlist other staff. Recruit and train interns to call as volunteers. Blue Strike Working Group - Recapturing Lost Donors Fall 2015 5
Level 3: Engage volunteer leaders Share lapsed list with board members or development committee members and ask for help with follow up. Recruit volunteers for outreach, not fundraising. Brief volunteers on the importance of these donors by highlighting their giving history. Try three-way conference calls to facilitate calls. Make calls in evenings or Sat/Sun afternoon. Blue Strike Working Group - Recapturing Lost Donors Fall 2015 6
Level 4: Change the ask Lower the threshold or minimum ask. Develop affinity groups or new categories for donors who have to scale back. See How Affinity Groups Build Donor Loyalty.How Affinity Groups Build Donor Loyalty. Send a case statement that provides more substantive program info; an explanation for a position on issue. Appeal to them with a special request, such as a matching campaign. Blue Strike Working Group - Recapturing Lost Donors Fall 2015 7
Level 5: Analyze and target Analyze data on your lapsed Gather more feedback. Launch targeted reinstatement using custom campaign materials. Donor engagement strategies. Plan for the ebb and flow. Blue Strike Working Group - Recapturing Lost Donors Fall 2015 8