1 Joe Meehean.  We wanted a data structure that gave us... the smallest item then the next smallest then the next and so on…  This ADT is called a priority.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Joe Meehean

 We wanted a data structure that gave us... the smallest item then the next smallest then the next and so on…  This ADT is called a priority queue 2

Prioritized Keys (associated values) Highest Priority Mapping 3

 Initialize create an empty priority queue  Insert an item with a priority duplicates (priorities and items) are OK  Remove and return highest/lowest priority item  Is empty? 4

 Insert 1, 5, 10, 2, 6  Then remove 5 times  Results: normal Q: 1, 5, 10, 2, 6 priority Q: 10, 6, 5, 2, 1 5

 How would we implement this ADT?  We could use a BST or AVL finding largest/smallest is O(logN) supports more operations than we need  Is there something better? 6

 Heaps a balanced binary tree  height always log # nodes each node has a comparable key value (priority)  Must preserve order and shape properties 7

 For every node n n’s key is >= its kid’s keys therefore, n’s key >= all keys in its subtrees 8

 All leaves are at depth d or d-1 leaves may be at most one level apart  All leaves at depth d-1 are to the right of all leaves at depth d  At most 1 node has just 1 child node is the right most leaf at depth d child is stored as the left child 9

 More simply  All levels of tree completely filled  Except (potentially) bottom level  Bottom level must be filled from left to right 10

Root Level d-1 Level d Node with 1 kid 11

12 YES

NO: Bad leaf depth 13

14 YES

15 NO: Should be left child

16 NO: Should be right-most leaf at depth d

17 YES

18 YES


NO: 5 !>= 6 (Order property)

 Heaps are NOT BSTs both right and left child are less than the root  Heaps with max at the root are called max-heaps  Heaps with min at the root are called min-heaps value at n <= values of n’s kids 21

 Use an array or array-list  Each node takes one space in the array  The root is in array[1] array[0] is not used  For a node in array[k] left child is array[k * 2] right child is array[k * 2 +1] parent is in array[k/2] //using integer division 22

 Shape property guarantees no holes in the array


 Adding new value (priority) should maintain shape and order properties occur in reasonable time: O(logN)  Add new value to end of array new rightmost leaf at depth d Or, new leaf at depth d + 1  Compare: If child > parent Then swap Repeat up the tree (to root if necessary) 25

 Return root value max value is always the root  Remove root replace root with last value in array  right most leaf at depth d replace, not swap  If root < either child swap with larger child repeat as necessary down the tree 33





 Insert add value to end of array  O(1) average case  O(N) worst case swap values up tree: O(height) => O(logN) avg. case: O(logN), worst case: O(N)  RemoveMax get value from root: O(1) replace with value from end of array: O(1) swap values down tree: O(height) => O(logN) 38

 template T: data type to store Container: internal container to use as heap  must have random access iterator Compare: functor(a,b) that returns true if a should be returned before b  Defaults container default to vector compare defaults to less 39

 push insert an element  pop remove the top element  top access but do not remove the top element  size  empty 40

 Avg. complexity of insert and removeMax would be the same note: a general heap lookup could be expensive thankfully, heaps only need to return the root  Heaps use less space, no pointers heaps are waaaaaay easier to program 41