LIVES Research Framework Berhanu Gebremedhin, Scientist and LIVES Research Coordinator
Presentation Outline LIVES research objective and research statement The research impact pathway LIVES action-oriented research approach and process The types of research, research areas and outputs Research partnership and implementation Role of graduate students Promotion of R4D outputs
LIVES Research Objective To generate knowledge through action-oriented research and synthesis of results/lessons learnt about value-chain development
LIVES Research Statement Research in the LIVES project will be conducted on priority research topics for each commodity in relation with: – value chain stages, – input supply and service provision support functions, – value chain institutional environment, and – cross cutting issues of gender, knowledge management and capacity building, food safety and the environment Aimed at generating and synthesizing knowledge to scale out and up best practices in market oriented agricultural development.
The Research Impact Pathway Resources (Staff time, finance, equipment/materials, transportation etc.) Activities (Problem identification, research design, implementation, evaluation) Outputs (technologies, institutional/ Organizational/policy recommendations, publications, briefs etc.) Outcomes (Research outputs are taken up/adopted by intended users) Impact (economic, social and environ- mental changes )
Technology generation Lab-based On-station On-farm Experimental (controlled setting) Experimental (controlled setting) Technology application Organizational issues Institutional issues Diagnostic research Action research Impact research Developmental (uncontrolled setting) Developmental (uncontrolled setting) Focus Methods LIVES Action-oriented Research Approach
The Types of Research Diagnostic – Research conducted to identify, describe, quantify value chain constraints and opportunities, and technological, organizational and institutional intervention requirements Action Research – Research aimed at generating qualitative and quantitative knowledge on the development process and performance of a single or combination of interventions, which can be used to modify the interventions, and/or identify context specific adoption factors that can be used to scale out/up best practices Impact research – Research aimed at generating qualitative and quantitative knowledge on the impact of interventions on economic, social and environmental conditions of farm households.
LIVES Action-oriented research Process Priority setting and targeting within target areas to best address needs and opportunities Identifying and piloting technology and other interventions to improve productivity and market performance Analysis of innovation processes to better refine and design capacity building and scaling out of activities Outcome and impact assessment to evaluate the benefits emanating from project investments Complementing this action-oriented research will be the RBME&L framework from which the strategic lessons will be learnt about the processes and innovations
Research Focus Action-oriented research will be required: how to improve productivity and How to strengthen the functioning of value chains and associated business development services, Hence both technical and socio-economics research Research on the gender implications of the different value chains, technologies, and organizational and institutional innovations Research on the environmental implications of value chain development
Research Areas Input supply and services – Input supply – Finance (credit, insurance) Extension – Knowledge management – Capacity building – Market information and linkages – Innovation platforms Production – Production technologies – Production management – Production systems
Research Areas (2) Post harvest handling, processing and marketing – Post harvest handling and management – Processing – Marketing and distribution – Consumption and food safety – Quality control and assurance – Packaging, labeling and branding Cross cutting issues – Gender in market oriented development – Environmental implications of market oriented development
Research partnership Collaborative research between LIVES, IWMI, ILRI programs, ICARDA, ICIPE, EIAR, RARIs, and universities Joint supervision of graduate students (MSc/MA). Collaborative research expected to contribute to building capacity within the knowledge systems of the regions – strengthened capacity of Ethiopian researchers and research institutions – promote results to policy makers, implementers, farmers and investors.
Project Manager Research Coordinator Research Officer RBM&E Expert Regional Coordinators ( Livestock & Irrigation Experts/Coordinators) LIVES Scientists (ILRI, IWMI) Zonal Coordinators Research Assistants Database Analyst GIS Analyst Research Implementation- LIVES Structure
Research Implementation Research team by commodity composed of – National coordinator(s) – RARI Scientists – LIVES HQ Scientists – IWMI Scientists – ICIPE Scientists – LIVES regional expert – LIVES research assistant – ILRI/ICARDA Scientists
Role of Graduate Students A key component of capacity building is the strengthening of adaptive research through graduate training 100 students fully sponsored for tuition and Theses 100 students supported for theses only Selection criteria to identify suitable candidates Research topics fit into LIVES research priorities Ensure Gender balance Joint supervision of students
Research Outputs Working papers- series Electronic publications Book chapters and Conference proceedings Case studies and syntheses papers Manuals and guides Journal articles Briefs and leaflets Posters TV and Radio programs Videos
Promotion of Research Outputs Briefings to policy/decision makers National and Regional conferences Technical support to our national/regional partners for strategy/policy/curriculum development International conferences LIVES Website Ethiopian Agricultural Portal Published hard copy materials Exhibitions, experience sharing events Mass media programs Videos
Overall implementation framework Research Partners RoleDairyBeef Shoats PoultryApicult ure Irrigated ag. Cross- cutting issues National Coordinat ion Methods, syntheses, backstopping Impleme ntation- Tigray Implementati on, analysis, write-up XXXX Impleme ntation- Amhara Implementati on, analysis, write-up XXXXXX XXXX Impleme ntation- Oromia Implementati on, analysis, write-up XXX XXX Impleme ntation- SNNPR Implementati on, analysis, write-up XXXX