Mission: to promote diabetes and metabolic diseases research at Auburn University by: facilitating cross-disciplinary scientific discussion supporting the study of new ideas fostering the development of investigators new to the field of diabetes expanding the overall base of diabetes and metabolic diseases investigation
Program Activities: Program Activities: –Research funding –Trainee travel –Journal club –Annual meeting February 13,2015 8th
Collaborative Research 40 members/6 colleges, schools 40 members/6 colleges, schools Cross-college/cross-discipline Cross-college/cross-discipline Research Areas: Research Areas: –Microfluidics Sampling and Detection –Animal Models –Heart Failure –Cognitive Impairment –Obesity and Cancer
Boshell Program Future Increase our research capacity. Increase our research capacity. Translation of current research. Translation of current research. Application of new technologies. Application of new technologies. The ability of the Boshell program to address the many facets of diabetes/obesity will require cross- disciplinary expertise, including new faculty.