Find out about Working Styles for the “Adult in Employment” Coursework What does working styles mean? Where we workWhen we work How we communicateThe skills we need If you don’t write about working styles, you will be in the bottom mark band
“Working Styles” means: Where people work When people work The skills that they need at work Ways that that they communicate at work Home
How ICT affects where people work Laptops allow people to work in all sorts of places: –on a train –when they are waiting at airports –at home –In hotels if they are travelling Internet connections mean that companies can move away from the big cities to nicer places like Devon, without losing touch with their customers. Internet connections allow people to work from home (called Teleworking) –In the evenings –For whole days –Full time Wireless networks mean that people don’t have to sit at one desk – they can work anywhere in the building. Home
How ICT affects when people work Generally ICT allows people to work more flexible hours -if your work depends on computers and not on people, you can work when you like – very early, very late, at weekends – whenever! Home
How ICT affects communication at work means: –reduced paper work –faster communication –Less human face-to-face contact –Many more messages to deal with each day Video Conferencing means: –People can hold meetings without travelling. Mobile phones mean: –People can be contacted when they are away from their desks Home
How ICT affects the skills people need at work Good ICT skills are vital in many jobs Many organisations need ICT technicians and network managers Skills like mental arithmetic and doing sums are less important because ICT can do the sums for you Most people need to have good keyboarding skills Home